Event detail

Information Day for Nanotechnology in H2020

Event type: Information days

Date: 11/28/2013 10:0017:00
Where: Prague 6-Dejvice, National Technical Library (Balling hall)

Technology Centre ASCR invites you to the National Information Day associated with the launch of the Horizon 2020 program which is focused on nanotechnology, advanced materials and manufacturing technology and biotechnology, which will take place at Balling Hall of the National Technical Library on 28th November 2013

The keynote speaker will be the representative of the European Commission Mr. Renzo Tomellini, Head of Materials Unit, Directorate Industrial Technologies. He will introduce a new philosophy priority LEIT - Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies, and especially the position of nanotechnology, advanced materials and manufacturing technology and biotechnology as well as in their relationship with ICT. 

Information day will be dedicated also to other topics, such as the potential of Czech participation in Horizon 2020, news in rules for participation and funding projects in H2020, experience of several Czech successful coordinators and participants of FP7, opportunities for international cooperation, etc. 

For the seminar, please register till 25 November 2013 or to the capacity of the hall. 

For the invitation together with the preliminary program see the enclosure below, presentations will be given in English.



  • Name: Jana Brabencová
  • Organizator Phone: 234 006 165
  • Organizer E-mail: brabencova@tc.cz