
19 Feb 2014

Refresh your constructs!

The Institut of Psychology AS CR participates on international conference of European Personal Construct Association - Refresh your constructs! - Constructive alternativism in education, psychological care and democracy, which will be held in Brno, Czech Republic, 20-23 June 2014.
Conference website now available here:

3 Dec 2013

Juniorské granty GA ČR

V roce 2014 vyhlásí Grantová agentura České republiky poprvé veřejnou soutěž ve výzkumu, experimentálním vývoji a inovacích v nové skupině grantových projektů na podporu vynikajících mladých vědeckých pracovníků, která ponese název „Juniorské granty“ a poskytování podpory zahájí v roce 2015. Tato soutěž bude vyhlašována každoročně až do roku 2022 a je určena navrhovatelům, kteří v roce podání návrhu dosáhli věku nejvýše 35 let. Doba řešení těchto projektů bude tříletá. Více zde.

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Filip Smolík

Complete publications list


International and English-language publications

Smolík, F. (2014). The Use of Gender Information in Lexical Processing in Czech 23-Month-Olds: An Eyetracking Study. In: Orman, W., Valleau, M. J. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 38th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. 


Smolík, F., Vávrů, P. (in press). Sentence imitation as a marker of SLI in Czech: disproportionate impairment of verbs and clitics. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearning Research. DOI: 10.1044/2014_JSLHR-L-12-0384 abstract

Smolík, F. (in press).Noun imageability facilitates the acquisition of plurals: survival analysis of plural emergence in children.Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. DOI: 10.1007/s10936-013-9255-5 abstract

Markova, G., Smolík, F. (2014). What Do You Think? The Relationship between Person Reference and Communication About the Mind in Toddlers. Social Development, 23, 61-79. DOI: 10.1111/sode.12044 abstract

Smolík, F., Seidlová Málková, G. (2011). Validity of language sample measures taken from structured elicitation procedures in Czech.Československá psychologie, 55, 451-461.

Rice, M., Smolík, F., Perpich, D., Thompson, T., Rytting, N., Blossom, M. (2010): Mean length of utterance levels in 6-month intervals for children 3-9 years with and without language impairments. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, in press.

Smolík, F. (2010). Inflectional Suffix Priming in Czech Verbs and Nouns. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1667-1672). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

Smolík, F. (2010). Using multilevel modeling in the analysis of experimental data: cumulative effects of structural priming in children. Studia Psychologica, 52, 229-242.

Lukavský, J., Smolík, F. (2009): Word Order and Case Inflection in Czech: On-line Sentence Comprehension in Children and Adults. In N.A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1358-1363). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

Rice, M., Smolík, F. (2007): Genetic Language Disorders. In Gaskell, G. (Ed.): Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Smolík, F. (2005). Lexical Growth and Acquisition of Morphological Forms. In: Burgos, A., Clark-Cotton, M. R., Ha, S.: Proceedings of the 29th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.


International conference talks

Smolík, F., Marková, G. (2010). Talking about others' mental states predicts person reference in children. Talk presented at the BPS Developmental Psychology Section Conference, Sept. 15, 2010, Goldsmiths, University of London.

Lukavský, J., Smolík, F. (2009). Word Order and Case Inflection in Czech: On-line Sentence Comprehension in Children and Adults. 31th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Amsterdam, July 31st.

Smolík, F. Facilitating sentence comprehension by syntactic priming. Poznañ Linguistic Meeting, September 2008.

Smolík, F. Lexical Growth and Acquisition of Morphological Forms. 29th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, November 2004.


International conference posters

Smolík, F. (2009). Facilitating sentence comprehension by syntactic priming. Poster presented at the 14th AMLaP Conference, Barcelona, September 7th.

Smolík, F. (2009). Structural Priming of Comprehension Affects Parsing in
Temporarily Ambiguous Sentences but Not Otherwise.
Poster presented at the 31th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Amsterdam, July 30th.

Smolík, F. (2004). MLU-based age recentering: a tool for studying developmental trajectories. Poster presented at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, June 2004, Madison, WI.

Smolík, F. (2004). Structure of MLU: tense morphology as a better predictor of MLU than non-tense morphology. Poster presented at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, June 2004, Madison, WI.


Peer-reviewed publications in Czech

Votavová, K., Smolík, F. (2010). Diagnostika rané slovní zásoby rodičovskými dotazníky: přehled a pilotní studie [Assessing early children’s vocabulary with parent-report inventories: a review and a pilot study]. Československá psychologie, 54, 301-313.

Smolík, F. (2010). Jsou jazykové znalosti vrozené? [Is language knowledge innate?] Vesmír, 89, 324-325.

Šlerka, J., Smolík, F. (2010). Automatická měřítka čitelnosti pro česky psané texty [Readability Formulas for Czech Written Texts]. Studies in Applied Linguistics (Prague), 1, 33-44.

Smolík, F. (2009). Psycholingvistika a čeština: některá slibná témata [Psycholinguistics and Czech: some promissing topics]. Naše řeč, 92, 240-251.

Smolík, F., Lukavský, J. (2009). Měření jazykového porozumění u dětí v reálném čase sledováním očních pohybů [On-line measurement of language comprehension in children using eye-movement monitoring]. Československá psychologie, 53, 5, 480-491.

Smolík, F. (2009). Gramatické vlivy na identifikaci slov u dìtí: detekce chyb a syntaktický priming (Grammatical effects in children's word identification: syntactic priming and violation detection). Sborník prací z konference Kognice 2007, Olomouc.

Smolík, F. (2009). Vývojová dysfázie a struktura raných jazykových schopností (Developmental dysphasia and the structure of early language abilities). Československá psychologie, 53, 1, 40-54.

Smolík, F. (2008). Syntaktický priming porozumìní v èeštinì (Syntactic priming of comprehension in Czech). Sborník prací z konference Kognice 2008, Hradec Králové.

Smolík, F. (2008). Nìkteré gramatické vlivy na identifikaci slov (Some grammatical influences on word identification). Československá psychologie, 52, 3, 240-252.

Smolík, F. (2006). Vývoj receptivní znalosti jazyka v prvních dvou letech života (The development of receptive language knowledge in the first two years of life). Èeskoslovenská psychologie, 50, 238-250.
Smolík, F.
(2002). Osvojování èeských slovesných tvarù v raném vìku (The acquisition of Czech verb forms in the early age). Československá psychologie, 46, 450-461.  

Smolík, F. (2000). Nìkterá vodítka k urèení gramatické struktury jednoduché èeské vìty (Some cues for the interpretation of the grammatical structure of a simple Czech sentence). Bulletin PsÚ AV ČR, Praha, 6(1) 47-71. 

Smolík, F. (1996). Ekologická teorie vnímání J. J. Gibsona (J. J. Gibson's ecological theory of perception). Československá psychologie, 40, 343--358.