
doc. RNDr. Judita Kinkorová, CSc.

» National Information Centre for European Research

Judita Kinkorová works as a manager of the National Information Centre of the European Research (NICER). She is the National Contact Point (NCP) for theHORIZON 2020 Societal Chalenge "Health, demographic change & wellbeing".

Judita Kinkorová graduated from the Charles University Prague, Faculty of Sciences, with the specialization in mathematics and biology.

She received her PhD in agricultural and forest fytopatology from the Czech Agricultural University Prague. In December 2007 she was promoted to an associated professor at Slovac University of Agriculture in Nitra. Before she joined Technology Centre AS CR, she had worked at Research Institution of Plant Production, and at Charles University, Prague, Department of Zoology.

Judita Kinkorova went through many international working stays during her work experience (USA, Canada, Taiwan, Izrael, Switzerland, Great Britain, Italy). In 2002 she was sent as an expert OECD in biological control of weeds to the USA.


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