Event detail


Date: 2/24/20092/25/2009
Where: Prague

Under the frame of the Czech EU presidency an international conference EUROPEAN FORUM ON RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT - EUFORDIA 2009 will take place in Prague, on February 24th and 25th 2009.


The conference is organised jointly by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences and aims to provide a discussion platform to the EU member states for assessment of national and European impacts of Framework programmes.


The organizing committee hopes to bring together experts of national and international R&D foundations and programmes, analysts of R&D policies, researchers in evaluation in R&D and policy makers in order to propose future evidence based strategic implications.


The main topics of the conference are as follows:

  • The role of R&D evaluation in building the ERA and strengthening competitiveness
  • FP6 evaluation and impact assessment at EU and national level
  • Principles and techniques for FP ex-post evaluation and impact assessment - two parallel sessions
  • Future of the FP- project-results-based - impact assessment
  • EUFORDIA conclusions and recommendations


More information about EUFORDIA 2009 can be found on http://www.eufordia2009.eu.


  • Name: Lenka Havlíčková
  • Organizator Phone: +420 234 006 141