EI Academic Assembly
The Academic Assembly of the Economics Institute consists of all EI academics. It meets when the need arises, but it must meet at least once every six months. It is convened either by the EI Director or the Chair of the Scientific Council, who then chairs the meeting. Its main duties are, among other things, to elect and dismiss members of the EI Scientific Council, elect representatives to the Academic Parliament, and give opinions on the most significant issues concerning the organization and the management of EI.
The current members of the Academic Assembly of the Economics Institute are as follows:
Sergey Slobodyan, Ph.D (Chair)
Economics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Doc. Ing. Štěpán Jurajda, Ph.D. (Vice Chair)
Economics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Doc. Ing. Michal Kejak, M.A., CSc
Economics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Prof. Jan Kmenta, Ph.D.
University of Michigan
Doc. Ing. Daniel Münich, Ph.D.
Economics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Michal Pakoš, Ph.D.
Economics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Prof. Gérard Roland, Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley
Prof. Avner Shaked, Ph.D.
University of Bonn
Doc. Krešimir Žigić, Ph.D.
Economics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic