Stratification and rotation effects in environmental flows

Prednášející: Prof. Yu.D. Chashechkin, Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the RAS
Datum: 29. dubna 2009 (středa), 14:00-15:30
Místo: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, v. v. i., Dolejškova 5, Praha, zasedací místnost A

Чашечкин Юлий Дмитриевич (Chashechkin Yu.D.)
Profesor a vedoucí laboratoře mechaniky tekutiny Ústavu pro problémy v mechanice Ruské akademie věd
101/1 prospect Vernadskogo, Moskva 119574, Rusko
(e-mail:, fax: 8 499 739 9531, telefon 7495434 0192)

Anglická anotace přednášky
Stratification and rotation effects in environmental flows: observations, analytical, numerical and laboratory modelling
Remote sensing instruments revealed very important features of environmental flows evolution (examples are given). To study physics and dynamics of flow components all methods that are analytical, numerical, laboratory modelling are used in the Laboratory of fluid mechanics. The theoretical basis is set of fundamental equations. Complete classification of periodic fluid flows contains large scale components described by regular disturbed on dissipative factors functions and a rich family of small-scale components described by singular disturbed functions is presented. Manifestation of flow components was studied analytically and experimentally inside 2D and 3D periodic internal wave beams, waves and wakes past uniformly moving obstacles in a continuously stratified fluid. Experiments performed using markers, schlieren instruments and conductivity sensors in laboratory tanks. Extended singular components act as attractor for contaminants and provide their overdiffusion propagation. Restructuring of interfaces and their transformation into vortices and vortex systems were registered. New flow components that are “streaky structures” and “tubular structures” were visualized. Transformation of “tubular structures” into vortices is studied in details. Numerical modelling of internal waves and sidewall double diffusive convective cells is compared with experiments. Dates of modelling are compared with environmental flows images.

Bližší informace: T. Bodnár, Centrum energetiky (pobočka Praha 6, strojní fakulta ČVUT), tel. 224 357 548, e-mail:

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