Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Mon, 09/06/2014 - 13:25 - Fri, 13/06/2014 - 00:00

The coming school is a continuation of the highly successful series of summer schools on physics of nanostructures, surfaces and thin films held every three years in the Czech Republic. The school programme aims at presenting current directions of research at both tutorial as well as state-of-the-art level.

Seminar / Tue, 10/06/2014 - 10:00 - 11:00

Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos Cuevas (Department of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, E-28049 Madrid (Spain))

Atomic and single-molecule junctions represent the ultimate limit to the miniaturization of electrical circuits [1]. They are also ideal platforms to test quantum transport theories that are required to describe charge and energy transfer in novel functional nanodevices. Recent work has successfully probed electric and thermoelectric phenomena in atomic-scale junctions.

Workshop / Mon, 30/06/2014 - Wed, 02/07/2014

It is widely recognized that the first-principles based calculations of strongly correlated materials are important for understanding physical and chemical properties. The quantitative materials theory makes remarkable impact on the modern technology. This workshop aims to disseminate the present knowledge in this rich and vivid field. We invite both theoreticians and experimentalists to discuss development and applications of the correlated band methods based on a combination of the density functional theory and the dynamical mean field theory.

Sun, 24/08/2014 - Fri, 29/08/2014

ELI Beamlines announce that the ELI Beamlines Summer School (ELISS 2014) will be held in Prague, The Czech Republic from Sunday August 24th, 2014 to Friday August 29th, 2014. The summer school targets students around the world to participate in seminars lead by distinguished academics and researchers.

More detailed information is available at http://www.eli-beams.eu/eli-events/eliss2014/.

Past events

Seminar / Wed, 26/05/2010 - 15:00

Novel approaches to structure analysis of crystalline materials by x-ray and electron diffraction

Seminar / Tue, 25/05/2010 - 15:00

Analysis of simultaneous STM/AFM measurements with atomic resolution

Seminar / Tue, 25/05/2010 - 10:00

An accurate DFT-based method for the treatment of weak and van der Waals interactions : the LCAO-S2+vdW formalism

Seminar / Mon, 24/05/2010 - 16:00

Anomalous Hall conductivity: local orbitals approach

Conference / Mon, 24/05/2010

XIX-th Czech-Polish seminar: Structural and Ferroelectric Phase Transitions

Seminar / Thu, 20/05/2010 - 15:00

Path integrals in physics: the main achievements

Seminar / Tue, 18/05/2010 - 15:00

Non-Markovian noise at the Fermi edge singularity in quantum dots

Seminar / Tue, 18/05/2010 - 14:00

Studies of the Cosmic Ray Composition with the Pierre Auger Observatory

Seminar / Wed, 12/05/2010 - 14:00

Ultrafast soft x-ray beamline at PALS

Seminar / Wed, 12/05/2010 - 10:00

Mezoskopický popis strukturálních fázových transformací v materiálech s variabilní dislokační hustotou

Seminar / Mon, 10/05/2010 - 15:00

Gravity or Thermodynamics or what E. Verlinde says

Seminar / Thu, 06/05/2010 - 10:00

Fe-Pd-X shape memory alloys and their properties

Seminar / Tue, 04/05/2010 - 15:00

Modeling of condensed matter systems based on ab initio results

Seminar / Thu, 29/04/2010 - 14:00

Relation of structure, magnetism, doping and pressure in AFe{2-x}TxAs2 (A=Ca,Sr,Ba,Eu; T=Co,Rh,Ru)

Workshop / Mon, 26/04/2010

Scientific Challenges on the future ELI Beamlines Facility

Seminar / Sat, 24/04/2010

Workshop on special problems of Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys

Seminar / Wed, 21/04/2010 - 14:00

Hybridní RF/DC plazmatron pro generaci singletového kyslíku v kyslík-jódovém laseru

Seminar / Tue, 13/04/2010 - 15:00

Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Molecules on Thin Insulating Films

Seminar / Thu, 08/04/2010 - 10:00

Neutron scattering studies of nano-scale order and dynamics in the PMN relaxor ferroelectric

Seminar / Thu, 25/03/2010 - 15:00

DIRAC experiment at CERN: results and plans

Seminar / Thu, 25/03/2010 - 10:00

Transparent ceramics: Processing, sintering, characterization and applications

Seminar / Tue, 23/03/2010 - 15:00

Magnetic grain boundaries in Ni and Fe and defect structure in zirconia-based materials

Seminar / Tue, 09/03/2010 - 15:00

Magnetic order in the ultrathin iron film on the Ir(001) surface

Seminar / Mon, 08/03/2010 - 09:00

The Third Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006

Seminar / Wed, 03/03/2010 - 09:00

Semiclassical Monte Carlo Simulation of Transport in Spintronic Devices

Seminar / Tue, 02/03/2010 - 15:00

Phonon-Assisted Current Noise in Molecular Junctions

Seminar / Thu, 25/02/2010 - 10:00

Spin pumping in magnetic tunnel junctions and topological insulators: Theory and experiments

Seminar / Tue, 23/02/2010 - 10:00

Simulácia štruktúrnych fázových prechodov v kryštáloch pomocou metadynamiky

Seminar / Tue, 16/02/2010 - 10:00

Ferroelectric KTa1-xNbxO3 Thin Film for Telecom Applications

Workshop / Thu, 11/02/2010

The Rokytnice scientific and educational workshop

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