Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

The 7th Ad-Hoc workshop on magnetic structures in Jana2006

Workshop Monday, 14/02/2011 09:00 - Tuesday, 15/02/2011 17:00

Speakers: V.Petříček, J.M. Perez-Mato (Bilbao) , O. Šipr, M.Dušek
Place: Library lecture room, building A - 1st floor, Cukrovarnická 10, Institute of Physics ASCR, Prague 6
Organisers: Department of Structure Analysis

Ad hoc workshops are small two days workshops organized by authors of the crystallographic software Jana2006. The topics and dates are selected by participants. The topic of the 7th workshop are magnetic structures.

The purpose of this workshop is detailed explanation of the new option in Jana2006 for refinement of magnetic structures from neutron powder or single crystal data. Jana2006 includes tools for determination of magnetic symmetry from the symmetry of diffraction pattern as well as tools for representative analysis. Finally direct relationship between magnetic space or superspace group and corresponding representation can be discovered and used for refinement. An underlying theory has been published in Acta Cryst.2010,A66,449-655.

Related topic is combination of data in Jana2006 because a magnetic structure based on powder neutron data can be refined together with nuclear structure based on more precice x-ray data. Another related topic concerns commensurate refinement becase magnetic q-vector is usually commensurate.

The 7th Workshop web page
Jana2006 web page
Another Ad Hoc workshops

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