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Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute

Global Partners

GDN works with Regional Network Partners in almost every region of the world. This ensures generation of research by those best placed to understand the complexities of the challenges faced by different regions to mitigate poverty. Many of our partners are networks and allow for flexible and fluent production of knowledge and its translation into policy. GDN is managed by a small secretariat in New Delhi, India, though the bulk of GDN-sponsored activities are organized through the Regional Network Partners:

Sub-Saharan Africa
African Economic Research Consortium (ERC), Nairobi, Kenya

Central and Eastern Europe
CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic

East Asia
Philippine Institute for Development Studies

Countries of the former Soviet Union
Economics Education and Research Consortium (EERC), Kyiv, Ukraine

Middle East & North Africa
Economic Research Forum (ERF), Cairo, Egypt

Latin America and the Caribbean
Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) Secretariat, Bogotá, Colombia

South Asia
South Asia: South Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI) Secretariat, currently based at the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), Dhaka, Bangladesh
http://www.saneinetwork.net or http://www.bids.org.bd

South Pacific: Oceania Development Network
University of the South Pacific, Fiji

GDN also maintains three network partners in developed (OECD) regions, namely Japan, Western/Northern Europe and North America. The aim of these three partners is to provide information, knowledge and expertise for researchers in developing countries.

Japan / Asia-Pacific
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Western / Northern Europe
European Development Research Network (EUDN), based at the Center of Research in Development Economics (CRED), Namur, Belgium

North America
Bureau for Research and Analysis of Development (BREAD), Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA