Projects under way
A total of ten grant-aided projects are currently under way here:
- Provider: Czech Science Foundation, no. P410/12/0468, Česká politická pravice v letech 1938-1945, investigator PhDr. Josef Tomeš (2012-2016)
- Provider: Czech Science Foundation, no. P406/12/P688, Interpretation of Czech literary modernism in German-language journals 1880-1910, investigator Mgr. Lucie Merhautová, Ph.D. (2012-2014)
- Provider: Czech Science Foundation, no. 405/10/0027, Korpus kodikologických pramenů, investigatorl PhDr. Pavel Brodský, CSc., DSc.
- Provider: Czech Science Foundation, no. 410/10/0544, The First Republic in the Light of the Letters of T. G. Masaryk and
Edvard Beneš, řešitelka PhDr. Dagmar Hájková, Ph.D.(2010-2012)
- Provider: Czech Science Foundation, no. 410/10/1273, Edvard Beneš, Germans and Germany, investigator prof. PhDr. Ivan Šedivý, CSc., website of the project
- Provider: Czech Science Foundation, no. P410/12/P671, Policies of the Jewish Identity in the Czech Lands (1860-1938), investigator Mgr. Vít Strobach, Ph.D. (2012-2014)
- Provider: Czech Science Foundation, no. 410/10/P316, Work, Nation, Gender. Labour in Czech Lands 1914–1918, řešitel Mgr. Rudolf Kučera, Ph.D. (2012-2014)
- Provider: Czech Science Foundation, no. P405/12/1412, Catalogue of the manuscript bohemica in the Vatican Libary - Palatina Library, investigator Mgr. Stanislav Petr (2012-2014)
- Provider: Czech Science Foundation, no. P410/12/1136, T. G. Masaryk and the Slavs, investigator doc. Mgr. Vratislav Doubek, Ph.D.
- Provider: Czech Science Foundation, no. 410/11/1944, Zápisy ze schůzí československé exilové vlády v Londýně 1943-1945, investigator Mgr. Jan Bílek
- Institute participates in the project Výzkum modelů reprezentací v literárních diskurzech. website of the project