Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute

Dear Alumnus/Alumna,

As we follow your career paths, we are constantly reminded of CERGE-EI's accomplishments and we thank you for your support. We have seen our programs and research output grow, helping us to maintain our position as a leading educational institute in the region.

In 2013 we have striven even more to strengthen relations among the entire CERGE-EI community, especially with our alumni. It has been pleasure to see so many of you participating in events such as:

We would kindly ask you to consider supporting our programs and activities by making a donation to support CERGE-EI's development. There is no more important investment you can make in your profession than to give back to your alma mater. Your contribution will be highly appreciated and help us push forward with our mission and reach an even higher level of excellence.

Thank you for your support!

Donations can be made to the US CERGE-EI Foundation (in USD) or to the Czech Nadace CERGE-EI (in CZK or EUR). We will provide confirmation of donations if required for taxation purposes.


There are other ways to donate as well such as bank check and wire transfer.
See details below for USD, EUR and CZK:

  • By US personal/company check
  • USD-denominated donations by wire transfer
  • CZK-denominated donations by wire transfer
  • EUR-denominated donations by wire transfer

The CERGE-EI Alumni Fund

The fund offers alumni the opportunity to support the continued development of CERGE-EI either through general gifts or targeted donations to support students, the library, or special projects donors might wish to support.