Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Seminar / Tue, 08/07/2014 - 10:00 - 13:00

Prof. Robert L. Byer (Stanford University, U.S.A.)

Seminar / Thu, 17/07/2014 - 14:00

Martin Eckstein (Max Planck Research Department, University of Hamburg)

Controlling complex phases of correlated systems on ultra-short timescales is an intriguing application of nonequilibrium ideas in condensed matter physics. In this talk will focus on the control of magnetic states. Magnetic order is determined by the exchange interaction J, which emerges from the Coulomb interaction and the Pauli principle. Driving the electrons out of equilibrium thus modifies J and allows for ultra-fast manipulation of magnetism without using strong magnetic fields.

Seminar / Thu, 24/07/2014 - 14:00

M. I. Tsindlekht (Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

Nucleation of the superconducting phase in a thin surface sheath in a decreasing magnetic field parallel to the sample surface was predicted by Saint-James and de Gennes fifty years ago. This prediction was confirmed in a short time after the paper’s publication. Nevertheless, the model for the ac losses in bulk samples in magnetic fields above Hc2 are still absent. Experiments with thin-walled superconducting cylinders can provide an essential simplification of this problem. Thin-walled hollow cylinders with macroscopic diameter have some advantages in research.

Sun, 24/08/2014 - Fri, 29/08/2014

ELI Beamlines announce that the ELI Beamlines Summer School (ELISS 2014) will be held in Prague, The Czech Republic from Sunday August 24th, 2014 to Friday August 29th, 2014. The summer school targets students around the world to participate in seminars lead by distinguished academics and researchers.

More detailed information is available at http://www.eli-beams.eu/eli-events/eliss2014/.

Past events

Workshop / Mon, 30/06/2014

Strong electron correlation effects in complex d- and f-based magnetic materials for technological applications

Seminář ELI Beamlines / Tue, 24/06/2014 - 14:30

Detection techniques and data monitoring on ATLAS experiment.

Seminar / Mon, 23/06/2014 - 10:00

Synchrotron radiation XAFS studies of local structure with femtometer accuracy

Seminář ELI Beamlines / Thu, 19/06/2014 - 14:00

Hadron Therapy and Its Importance in Medicine

Seminar / Tue, 10/06/2014 - 10:00

Heat-dissipation in atomic-scale junctions

Mon, 09/06/2014 - 13:25

International Summer School on Physics at Nanoscale 2014

Seminar / Thu, 05/06/2014 - 16:00

Ultrashort laser processing of solids. Numerical investigation of sub-wavelength optical and thermal effects in nanomaterials

The Dvořák Lecture / Wed, 04/06/2014 - 15:00

The LASER: a Historical Perspective

Seminar / Tue, 03/06/2014 - 13:00

Сomposite catalytic materials for improving direct formic acid fuel cells efficiency

Seminar / Mon, 02/06/2014 - 10:00

Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting

Seminar / Wed, 28/05/2014 - 10:00

Transmission electron microscopy study of semiconductor nanowires and nanostructured materials

Seminar / Tue, 27/05/2014 - 15:00

Is the Concept of Electronic Band Structure valid for Si Nanocrystals of few nm in Size?

Seminar / Tue, 27/05/2014 - 10:00

Probing and Modifying Graphene at the Atomic Scale with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

Seminar / Wed, 21/05/2014 - 15:00

Physics behind 100J/10Hz laser for new scientific applications

Conference / Mon, 19/05/2014

XXI Czech-Polish seminar: Structural and ferroelectric phase transitions

Seminar / Tue, 13/05/2014 - 15:00

Roles of nonmagnetic elements on enhancement of perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy: first-principles studies

Seminar / Tue, 13/05/2014 - 10:00

STM contrast: The role of the tip

Seminar / Tue, 06/05/2014 - 15:00

Non-adiabatic molecular dynamics with electron transitions

Seminar / Tue, 06/05/2014 - 15:00

A STM approach to molecular conductance and the properties of ZnO

Seminar / Tue, 06/05/2014 - 13:30

Fabrication and characterization of selected carbon-based nano-structures

Seminar / Tue, 06/05/2014 - 13:00

Silicon-Silicide nanocomposite heterostructures for Silicon based photonics, opto- and thermoelectronics

Seminar / Tue, 29/04/2014 - 15:00

Gapless metallic charge-density-wave phase driven by strong electron correlations

Seminar / Tue, 29/04/2014 - 09:30

Electrochemically addressable molecules for molecular electronics

Seminar / Mon, 28/04/2014 - 14:00

Vector - like Technicolor at the LHC

Workshop / Mon, 28/04/2014 - 09:00

The 22nd Ad-Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: advanced topics

Workshop / Thu, 24/04/2014 - 09:00

The 21st Ad-Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: basics of Jana2006

Wed, 23/04/2014 - 14:00

Festive gathering on the ocassion of Prof. Vladislav Šimák's 80th birthday

Seminar / Wed, 23/04/2014 - 10:00

Recent Results from the Tevatron

Seminar / Tue, 22/04/2014 - 10:00

Electronic states at donor-acceptor/ metal interfaces probed with electron spectroscopies: NEXAFS, XPS and UPS

Seminar / Wed, 16/04/2014 - 15:00

Highest energy cosmic rays at observatories CTA and Pierre Auger

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