The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - II. Life and Chemical Sciences


Academic bulletin


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Functional Genomics and Screening of cDNA and Genomic Libraries of Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) for Genes Involved in the Development of hop Cones and in Lupulin Production

Abstract (in English): This project is a follow-up to an earlier original results of department of molecular genetic BC ASCR IPMB describing genes co-determining some medicinal compounds of hop (Fig.1). The main scientific goal of the recent project is to investigate the molecular aspects of the maturation process of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) female inflorescences (cones). On the one hand, the project aims at a better understanding of the molecular events that take place at the level of the plant cell and tissue differentiation during hop cone development. On the other hand, this knowledge has a clear practical dimension, as the lupuline glands of hop cones produce and accumulate important secondary metabolites during maturation. These secondary metabolites are prenylated flavonoids (Fig.2) with estrogenic and anti-carcinogenic activities, and bitter acids, used to flavour beer. In order to identify developmentally regulated genes in hop cones, cDNA-AFLP technique is used. cDNA-AFLP profiles, generated for RNA extracted from cones of different hop cultivars at different developmental stages, are compared to identify differentially expressed transcripts. As a result, specific cDNA fragments corresponding to developmentally regulated genes are isolated. As a next step, hop-specific cDNA and genomic libraries are screened to identify the full-length cDNA sequences and full-length genes. The project is solved in collaboration with the Flemish team (University of Ghent), where preliminary results have been already obtained using cDNA-AFLP. Based on these results screening of cDNA and genomic libraries prepared on Department of Molecular Genetics IPMB has been initialized.





Jaroslav Matoušek, CSc.
Biological Centre, of the ASCR, Institute of Plant Molecular Biology