The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - I. Mathematics, Physics and Earth Sciences


Academic bulletin


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MUDRLite, a new form of an electronic health record, has been developed in the Eureopaen Centre for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (EuroMISE Centre) in the Institute of Computer Science AS CR, v.v.i. The practical application is comprised from an electronic dental cross, which originates from techniques of software and data engineering applied to the field of information systems in dental medicine.
The dental cross is in a form of schematic representation of an oral cavity panoramic image and it enables a user (a physician) to enter approximately 60 various pieces of information concerning teeth conditions of a patient, operations in process or planned processes.
The dental cross has been accepted by physicians very positively and therefore it has been supplemented with comfortable controlling in a contactless way – by means of a voice. The system recognizes approximately 250 various demands, which control the process of voice recognition but also the dental cross. Further, the system is able to read the condition of one tooth or of the whole oral cavity in a synthesized human voice, which eliminates the need to have a computer monitor in the visual field while working with a patient.
The patent application No. PV 2005-229 has been deposited for the technology that forms the basics of the data model of the dental cross component. The project of the dental cross as well as its versions extended by a vocal module was supported by the project of the Information Society in the Czech Republic No. 1ET200300413 and at present the research goes on under the CBI umbrella.


Prof. RNDr. Jana Zvárová, DrSc.
Phone: +420 266 053 097
more details:
Institute of Computer Science AS CR, v. v. i.
EuroMISE Centre