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Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute

Instructions for Applying to the CERGE-EI MAE Program

Thank you for your interest in the MAE program.

We are currently accepting applications for the MAE class that starts in September 2014.

Apply now and receive an admissions decision within 15 days of when the application is complete!

Application Fee

There is no application fee.


Application Deadline

There is no application deadline.

Students who need an EU visa: You should apply before March 31, 2014. If you need a visa but don’t apply by March 31, 2014, you might have difficulty getting the visa in time.

Applications are accepted year-round until the program is full. After the program is full, we can put you on a waiting list or offer you admission for the next year.


Required Materials

In order to apply for the MAE Program:

1. Fill out the MAE Online Application.

The application form mainly asks for your contact information and educational background. Two additional items might require more time to prepare: (1) translations of your diplomas and transcripts into English and (2) contact details for two recommenders who can provide references upon our request.  

2. Upload electronic files (the last page of the Online Application):

  • scans of all your translated diplomas and transcripts (not required if the originals are in English);
  • scans of all your original diplomas and transcripts, in the original language;
  • letter of motivation;
  • electronic or scanned standardized score reports (not required);
  • a scan of the main page of your passport, with picture.

3. Mail us by post the following paper materials:

  • notarized photocopies of all diplomas and transcripts, in the original language;
  • originals of certified English translations of all diplomas and transcripts if the originals are not in English.

Mailing address:

MAE Program
Politických vězňů 7
111 21 Prague 1
Czech Republic

Your application is not complete until we receive all of these materials, including all uploaded files, mailed paper materials, and both references from your recommenders.

When your application is complete, we will notify you. You will receive an admissions decision within 15 calendar days of the notification date.

The admissions decision can be:

  • Admit to the program
  • Do not admit to the program
  • Put on a waiting list

If you are offered admission to the program, you will receive a specific tuition offer. To accept the offer, you will need to make a non-refundable tuition deposit. The tuition deposit deadline is 30 days from the date of the admissions offer.

From the moment you pay the tuition deposit your admission is secured, and you can plan on studying in the MAE Program in Prague in September!