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1 Feb 14 - 8 Jul 19
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Uhlig F., Herbert J.M., Coons M.P., Jungwirth P.:
Optical Spectroscopy of the Bulk and Interfacial Hydrated Electron from Ab Initio Calculations.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, in press (2014).

Křížek T., Kubíčková A., Hladílková J., Coufal P., Heyda J., Jungwirth P.:
Electrophoretic mobilities of neutral analytes and markers in aqueous solutions of Hofmeister salts.
Electrophoresis 35: 617-624 (2014).

Gladich I., Habartová A., Roeselová M.:
Adsorption, Mobility, and Self-Association of Naphthalene and 1-Methylnaphthalene at the Water-Vapor Interface.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118: 1052-1066 (2014).

Vácha R., Uhlig F., Jungwirth P.:
Charges at Aqueous Interfaces: Development of Computational Approaches in Direct Contact With Experiment.
Advances in Chemical Physics 155: 69-95 (2014).

Kulig W., Tynkkynen J., Javanainen M., Manna M., Rog T., Vattulainen I., Jungwirth P.:
How well does cholesteryl hemisuccinate mimic cholesterol in saturated phospholipid bilayers?
Journal of Molecular Modeling 20: 2121 (2014).

Bartels-Rausch T., Jacobi H.-W., Kahan T.F., Thomas J.L., Thomson E.S., Abbatt J.P.D., Ammann M., Blackford J.R., Bluhm H., Boxe C., Domine F., Frey M.M., Gladich I., Guzmán M.I., Heger D., Huthwelker Th., Klán P., Kuhs W.F., Kuo M.H., Maus S., Moussa S.G., McNeill V.F., Newberg J.T., Pettersson J.B.C., Roeselová M., Sodeau J.R.:
A review of air-ice chemical and physical interactions (AICI): liquids, quasi-liquids, and solids in snow.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14: 1587-1633 (2014).

Timr Š., Bondar A., Cwiklik L., Steft M., Hof M., Vazdar M., Lazar J., Jungwirth P.:
Accurate Determination of the Orientational Distribution of a Fluorescent Molecule in a Phospholipid Membrane.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118: 855 (2014).

Habartová A., Obisesan A., Minofar B., Roeselová M.:
Partial hydration of n-alkyl halides at the water.vapor interface: A molecular simulation study with atmospheric implications.
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 133: 1455 (2014).

Pluhařová E., Fischer H.E., Mason P.E., Jungwirth P.:
Hydration of the Chloride Ion in Concentrated Aqueous Solutions using Neutron Scattering and Molecular Dynamics.
Molecular Physics (2014).

Nishino N., Hollingsworth S.A., Stern A.C., Roeselová M., Tobias D.J., Finlayson-Pitts B.J.:
Interactions of gaseous HNO3 and water with individual and mixed alkyl self-assembled monolayers at room temperature.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16: 2358-2367 (2014).