Monographs in Sociology
Česká společnost zažila v letech 2002 až 2012 řadu událostí a změn. Podobné události a změny však probíhaly i v ostatních evropských státech. Stav i vývoj postojů, hodnot a chování populací evropských států zachytil v souvislosti s těmito událostmi a změnami výzkumný projekt European Social Survey. Tato kniha je věnována postojům, hodnotám a chování a jejich změnám v české společnosti v posledních deseti letech.
Kniha v širokých historických, sociálních a politických souvislostech analyzuje hlavní charakteristiky, vnitřní vývoj a pozici Komunistické strany Čech a Moravy v českém politickém systému po roce 1989. Zabývá se otázkou antisystémové identity strany, její povahy a dynamiky v čase.
První komplexní zpracování vývoje české sociologie od jejích počátků do současnosti. Publikace ukazuje proměny teoretických, metodologických a ideových paradigmat v jejich oborovém i celospolečenském kontextu. Zajímá vás, proč nedosahuje česká sociologie lepších výsledků? Odpověď poskytnou autoři, kteří se kriticky vyrovnávají s postavením sociologie v české společnosti. Kniha je vybavena obrazovým doprovodem.
Autorský kolektiv:
Publikace se zabývá otázkou, jak evropské státy finančně podporují rodiny s dětmi a jak se tato podpora odráží na životní úrovni různých typů rodin a jak souhra sociálního systému a podmínek rodičům pomáhá se o své rodiny postarat. Dále se diskutuje otázka, jaký mají pohled na povinnosti státu samotní rodiče a jak do výpomoci s dětmi vstupují prarodiče. Mapovány jsou tedy jak fungování systému dávek a daní a situace na trhu práce, tak postoje rodičů a mezigenerační výpomoc.
Z úvodu knihy:
V předkládané publikaci autorský tým projektu Rekonstituování demokracie v Evropě nabízí pohled na proměny české veřejné sféry a české politiky v kontextu přípravy Smlouvy o Ústavě pro Evropu, ratifikace Lisabonské smlouvy a následných voleb do Evropského parlamentu (2009). Období přípravy a ratifikace Lisabonské smlouvy (2004–2009) je velmi podnětné, protože představovalo v České republice klíčový posun hlavního proudu českého politického diskurzu v otázkách Evropské unie.
The publication focuses on the personal experience of men and women researchers with academic mobility, how they experience migration, translocations, separations and new beginnings. The book presents fifteen researchers from various scientific disciplines who talked about their academic mobility which usually occurred in the phase of their doctoral and postdoctoral studies.
Rodina, do níž se narodíme, podstatnou měrou předurčuje naše budoucí společenské postavení. Otázkou pro empirický výzkum je, v jakém rozsahu se společenská pozice mezi generacemi přenáší, i to, jakými mechanismy k její reprodukci dochází, a které naopak napomáhají k mobilitě.
The first part of the book brings the description of the concept of culture, the overview of legislation, analyses of conceptual and strategic documents related to culture, analyses of available data about the culture infrastructure and an overview of available financial sources for the area of non-industrial sectors of culture. The second part deals with the results of own survey Culture in the regions of the ČR 2011.
The book deals with the development of politics of abortion in the Czech Republic since 1957. Based on the research of discourses and institutions of abortion it develops the aproach of discursive institutionalism. The politics of abortion are analysed as specific socialist governmentalities, existing during the communist regime.
This book deals with empirical research using political survey data and is primarily intended for anyone exploring politics in the Czech Republic using quantitative data. Many of the themes addressed in this study have application to the use of quantitative political data in other national contexts and across the social sciences more generally. This book is divided into three parts: theory, data and analysis.
The e-book (CD-ROM) is a critical edition of sources. It presents a full-text edition of influential Czech sociological journals from the past (Parlament, Sociální problémy, Sociologická revue, and Sociologický obzor), as well as an introductory study by Zdeněk R. Nešpor of the full range of sociological and related journals published in the history of Czech sociology.
The publication brings fifteen portraits of couples where both partners work in science, research or teach at a higher education institutions. Interviews focused on couples from different academic disciplines and in different life stages. They included young Ph.D.
The policy paper contains the proposal for structural changes of several housing policy measures in the Czech Republic. The goal of the reform is to increase policy effectiveness, efficiency, tenure neutrality and anticyclicity. The second section of paper describes the results of large-scale simulations of the reform and its impact on public expenditures and income distribution.
A role of social capital and of its individual dimensions working at overcoming the impacts of economic crises is analysed. Study focuses on a detailed analysis of the inhabitants of the Kraj Vysočina with a supposed high level of social capital, and of Ustecky kraj with a supposed low level of social capital. Multidimensional statistical methods are used to analyse data collected by survey in these regions in 2010.
This study focuses on social capital and the network of links between the organisations involved in activities geared towards the development of tourism in the Pardubice Region. The analysis of their network displays interconnectedness, the trust they show each other in their cooperation and that they place in the process of decision-making on supporting projects to advance tourism.
The book presents a selection of Iris M. Young’s more recent writings on justice and social difference. In these texts the author focuses on gender analysis, on the concept of self-determination as non-domination in local as well as global context, and on structural injustices. It is introduced by a chapter in which the editor of the volume presents the main thematic areas of Young’s work.
The study includes comparison of migration levels among selected EU-27 countries, analysis of regional differences in the level of internal migration in the CR, overview of selected theories explaining the relationship between housing conditions and labour migration, results of empirical analysis of the relationships between regional differences in housing affordability and level of internal migration in the CR, and proposal of tools supporting labour migration in the CR.
The publication brings fifteen portraits of couples where both partners work in science, research or teach at a higher education institutions. Interviews focused on couples from different academic disciplines and in different life stages. They included young Ph.D.
The policy paper deals with impacts of economic crisis and identifies households endangered by financial inaffordability, mainly due to unemployment reasons. After reviewing various international policies dealing with this problem, the authors propose two policies – the programme for the support of work related migration and a an interest-free loan for homeowners facing the risk of losing their homes.
The policy paper offers theoretical framework of the relations between housing and population policy and reviews current housing policies accross european countries. The paper focuses predominanty on the rental housing sector and on young families searching for housing. The authors summarize both state-level and municipality-level policies aimed at this group. Two policies are proposed: novelization of current housing benefit and local houisng guarantee.
The publication aims to highlight the position of women in Czech science and the importance of addressing gender equality on the policy level in general.
Policy paper deals with an analysis of housing affordability and availability for social excluded in the Czech Republic based on the case studies and the experiences of non-profit organisations. Good practices and possible strategies to combat housing exclusion using in foreign countries are discussed in the paper. The objective of the paper is to propose tools directed to increase availability and affordability of housing for people at risk of social exclusion in the Czech republic.
The study aims to analytically interlink the optics of individuals and households and focus on their demographic and socio-economic behaviour since 1989 in the Czech Republic, and compare these observations with other EU countries, primarily those of Central Eastern Europe (CEE).
The book explores the structure and level of financial support addressed to families with children in the Czech Republic and 16 other European countries as of January 2004. Through analysis of tax-benefit system it examines where the Czech Republic stands in respect of family support within the European context and assesses which European policy is most similar to the Czech model of financial family support.
The paper sums up the findings based on a research on sexual harassment at university conducted as a part of a research project "Equal opportunities in the science: Analysis of gender barriers and development of talents" kindly supported by the Ministry of Youth and Education CR. The research report has 3 parts. The 1st part presents a findings based on a quantitative survey on a faculty of a Prague University.
Ulrike Felt is professor of social studies of science since 1999 and head of Vienna STS department. After having finished her PhD in theoretical physics at the University of Vienna in 1983, she worked for nearly five years in an interdisciplinary research team of science historians at the European Center for High Energy Physics (CERN) in Geneva studying social, political and scientific aspects in the foundation period of this first big European research institution.
The critical attention feminists have paid to the concept of citizenship has significantly contributed to the con¬temporary political imagination of citizenship.
The Orlicko region comprises the municipalities in the Association of Municipalities Orlicko in the Pardubice Region. It is presented in a wider spatial and temporal context as a border region experiencing the problems of a periphery. Development opportunities have thus far been seen to lie in the expansion of tourism. Sociological surveys revealed the heterogeneity of the Orlicko region: differences between rural and urban areas and the impact of the outsider symptom in the region.
This monograph explores public and elite opinion toward events associated with the Prague Spring of 1968 in Czechoslovakia. This investigation is based on an analysis of a unique collection of aggregate and individual level survey datasets. The central goal of this study is to illustrate how the survey evidence from the 1967 to 1969 period may increase understanding of the Prague Spring era.
The monograph explores the issue of women in science in five countries of Central Europe (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia). It embeds the issue of women in science in a historical perspective and explores the impact of the eastern enlargement process on the issue of women in science today.
The aim of this project was to provide reliable data and information on the real and effective distribution of (teaching-related) costs of higher education. The shares of public and private costs were calculated for students of different socio-economic origin, reflecting social disparity and social exclusion.
This book examines the changes in the early stages in work and family trajectories in recent decades in the Czech Republic. The individual chapters focus on changes to job mobility among, the increased diversity of family trajectories, the motives for parenthood in consensual unions, and the financial support for young families.
The book presents the results of analyses of trends in regional differences both in affordability and availability of housing and their causes in between 2000 and 2006 in the Czech Republic. The housing affordability analysis uses new original methodology of measurement. In the field of housing availability the authors recommend the radical change of perspective used for its evaluation and methodological changes for the next census.
The goal of the analytical part of the book is to present the main findings from the range of sociological surveys on factors of low financial affordability of owner-occupied housing in Prague. The factors behind high house prices in the capital city are looked for both at the demand as well as at the supply side of the housing market.
The book presents the findings of ten qualitative studies of specific occupations and social groups. It concentrates mainly on two phenomena that characterise contemporary labour markets: the increasing flexibility of work conditions and labour markets, and the marginalisation of specific groups on the labour market. On the studied cases it shows their forms and prevalence in the Czech Republic.
The monograph discusses following social cohesion issues in the Czech society: social inequalities, social tension, social justice, trust and legitimacy, cohesion in spatial dimension, and influence of bridging social capital on social cohesion.
In order to compete in the global labor market of top-qualified workers, many states introduce various types of targeted policies to improve the migration balance of highly qualified workers.
The publication presents more than just theoretical approaches, it puts forth a complex and very well-grounded overview of several dimensions and conceptualizations of the given phenomenon, collectively ordered according to the concept of agenda-setting.
The monograph presents review of theoretical frameworks of studying of sociocultural and symbolical inequalities. It pursues relational aspect of inequalities and their cultural dimension (social identity, symbolical placement, cultural praxis). According culturalistic approach inequalities arise in relations among people.
Ladies´ gambit: beginning of scientific career brings the perspective of ten young Czech women scientists at the beginning of their career. The goal is to show experience of young women scientists, to ask them about their mobility experience, plans for the future and work-life balance.
Ladies´ gambit: beginning of scientific career brings the perspective of ten young Czech women scientists at the beginning of their career. The goal is to show experience of young women scientists, to ask them about their mobility experience, plans for the future and work-life balance.
The book concentrates on the non-marital fertility in the Czech Republic since 1989. After the description of demographic development, chapters ask following questions. What are attitudes towards out-of-wedlock childbearing? To what extend live unmarried mothers alone? What is their motivation to get married or to stay unmarried? Who can profit from being unmarried mother? Do single mothers have enough incentives to work? How spending patterns of two-parent and single-parent families differ?
Publication Paths through the Labyrinth. On the Scientific Profession, Private Life and Their Inter-connections discusses the concept of work and life balance in relation to scientific career of women and men. 5 authors discuss discourses, framings and situations that arise around the WLB issues in science.
The publication Trans/formation: gender, science and society explores the issue of women in science in the CR from the 19th century to the present. It builds on the findings of EC’s Enwise expert group from 2004.
This study refers to the research perception of inhabitants of border regions of Bavaria and western Bohemia. The analysis of the impacts of historical consciousness on the creation of regional identity is based on empirical survey of biographical identities, which was carried out in the regions of the Cyech Republic and Bavaria closed to the border, during the summer 2004.
The publication analyses the 2004 European Parliament elections from different angles and contains 15 studies. The book is divided into four parts. The first one is devoted to the analysis of positions of voters and parties, the second one to electoral behaviour, mainly the electoral participation and party choice, and the third one to party system. The last part contains studies of European parliament elections in the Czech and Slovak Republics.
Not only do citizens in most Central European countries have the right to initiate referendums that are binding on local government, this book also shows that citizens in this region are also making greaer use of this possibility. The book focuses on the indentification of factors that lead to the ability of citizens to successfully initiate referendums on locally controversial questions, even in cases when local representatives are hostile to direct democracy.
The aim of the study is the analysis of the relationship between tenure and expected labour mobility of the Czech households; the assessment of the influence of tenure on expected mobility in comparison to influence of other factors, especially culture and psychological factors. Recommendations of housing policy measures that could lead to increase of labour mobility are part of the study.
The study presents results of selected theoretical and empirical studies of international housing research focused on relationships between labour market (labour oriented migration) and housing market. Additionally the study aims to analyse the total household migration flows and the labour oriented migration flows within the Czech Republic. The migration rates are than compared among selected developed and transition countries.
Texts in the bulletin provide the reader with various perspectives of unmarried mothers. In the fist part of the publication we find the summary of the demographic development of the non-marital fertility as well as the principal results of multilevel modelling. The second part presents more detailed picture of the social situation of unmarried mothers drawn on the results from specialized survey of mothers.
This publication introduces readers to the concept of ´quality of work life´, its relationship to the quality of life in general, and various perspectives on and interpretations of these categories. The main part of the publication is an analysis of the results of an empirical survey on ´The Quality of Work Life´, which presents a picture of how citizens in the Czech Republic perceive work, how they evaluate their work life and how satisfied they are with it.
The publication is collection of articles and its main aim is to offer complex overview of results of continual surveys made by CVVM SOÚ AV ČR where words such public, public opinion or media are in the centre of theoretical diskursus. Wide social and historical context together with data analyse of concrete survey results create unigue contribution to current topics and questions of public opinion research.
For its strong informative value and its description of the multifarious activities of pro-women and feminist groups the publication In Multiple Voices (Mnohohlasem) will certainly be welcome reading among the academic, political and activist communities. The book shows that what lies behind the apparent lack of interest among Czech women in feminism is their rejection of the discriminatory “label” from its opponents. “One who names is in a position of superiority to what is named” (I.
The book is devoted to the life-course research. It focuses on the developments in the Czech Republic after 1989. Changes in family life and standard life course as well as non-standard life courses are target. The book covers the life-cycle from the assortative mating, leaving parental home, friendship, marriage and family formation, parenthood and divorces to situation of seniors and their mortality. Althogether 19 authors contributed to the book.
The book The Sexualised Reality of Labour Relations (Sexualizovaná realita pracovních vztahů) is the outcome of a sociological study of gender harassment and sexual harassment that was conducted by the Gender & Sociology Department at the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
The chapter by Marie Čermáková is based on the public opinion research about harassment and sexual harassment at the workplace especially between employees with a focus on a context and types of working ambiance and an occurrence of this phenomenon. Concretely, the text focuses on the analysis of interpersonal relations at the workplace with respect to diverse forms of disadvantagedness and harassment based on sex.
The first part of the study looks at various theoretical approaches encompassed with the concept of elites in sociology and at various techniques used to study elites. The second part presents a factual analysis of the development of political and economic elites over the past fifteen years of post-socialist transformation in Czech society, and the third part focuses on the everyday features of contemporary economic elites.
This monography shows, to what extent do exist in the Czech Republic the conditions for transition from public model of financing the higher education to the share-costs principle and what are the barriers which block this transition.
The authors aim to propose more effective design of housing subsidies in the Czech Republic. In the first part of the publication was made an attempt to assess housing shortage in the Czech Republic, next follows the comparison of first- and second generation rent control, social housing and housing allowance. The authors tried to propose the best design of second generation rent control, social housing and housing allowance for the CR.
The volume contains papers presented at the international Czecho-Slovak Sociology Days, a conference held 10-12 May 2004 in Prague and jointly organised by the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the Institute of Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, and the Masaryk Society of Czech Sociology. The volume is focused on Czech and Slovak sociological research on public opinion, political sociology, local issues, family, housing, and methodology.
Collection of scientific based studies provides an overview of Czech election survey research and comments the issues relating to the quality and the use of results, e.g. importance for representative democracy, impact of the publication of results, relationship between research industry and journalism, conceptualisation of party identification, main approaches to evaluation of quality, construction of the questionnaires, etc.
Analysis of the socio-economic values, mainly with respect to work, time, collective entities and governance, in the contemporary Czech society and their comparison with Western Europe. The authors maintains strong historic and socio-cultural embeddedness of these categories.
The paper addresses the development of higher education in the Czech Republic after 1989. Using a loglinear analysis the authors modelled the influence of social origin on the chances of making a successful transition between secondary and tertiary education in the years between 1948 and 1999. The initial hypothesis of the growing influence of social origin on this transition in the period after 1989 was confirmed by the authors in their analysis of data.
Eighteen scholars analysed elections into the Chamber of Deputies from different points of view. The first part of the publication is dedicated to the events that preceded the elections (primary elections within the parties, election campaign, and programmes of the parties).
The author provides an extensive analysis of the Czech and foreign literature devoted to the study of migration processes in the 20th century. A sociological analysis of modern Czech emigration can as a result be conducted which is capable of facilitating important historical comparisons, but above all formulating a significant socio-cultural framework for migration processes of teh second half of the 20th century.
This paper analysed the hypothesis of the growing influence of family (social) origin on success in the transition between secondary and post-secondary school in the 1990s. The family origin of the respondent was indicated through the father's education and his socio-economic status. With the use of the method of logistic regression the hypothesis of the growing influence of social origin was not confirmed.
The topic of this book is analyse of activity of the Czech Parliament in first and second electoral period of the House of Deputies (1993-1996 and 1996-1998) and first electoral period of the Senate (1996-1998). The publication is distributed into parts, four chapters and one attachment.
The book is a new, original re-elaboration of the problems discussed in the course of the international symposium in Prague, May 2001. It represents a critical reflection of the present state of postsocialist transformation in Central Europe facing the new challenges of modernization. Besides broader texts prepared by Czech, German, Hungarian and Polish national teams, it involves a series of discussion and expertsŽ contributions by sociologists from 11, prevailingly European countries.
Despite many similarities, family behaviour varies in European countries. Peoples not only take various attitudes but they also differ in real behaviour especially in regards with type of union (marriage and cohabitation) and fertility. The first part of this study offers an overview of demographic development in recent years. The second and third parts are dedicated to Family and Fertility Survey (FFS).
The publication presents a sociological view of the conditions under whichthe transformation of gender relationships has taken place in the CzechRepublic in the Nineties. It focuses not only on the existing arrangementof the position of men and women in society but covers a wider spectrum of issues pertaining to the long-term affect of cultural and social mechanisms condition the nature of potential changes and developments.
This study introduces basic models of voting behaviour - sociological, social-psychological and economic ones. It describes in more details the findings and starting points of thesocial-psychological model (or the model of party idetification). The study recapitulates the hitherto findigs related to the voting vehaviour in the Czech Republic in thenineties. As well as the reasons leading to the application of the party identification model to the analyses of voting behaviour.
This mongrph is a result of the research, which took lace between 1991 and 1998and was focused primarily on pure sociological problems, concerning objectiveand subjective views on social stratification in the Czech Republic.