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This book studies the unique demographic behavior of Jews in Bohemia, starting from a moment in history when industrialization in Central Europe was far away in the future and when Jews were still living legally restricted lives in ghettos. Under conditions not stipulated by conventional demographic theories, Bohemian Jews started recording marked decreases in mortality and fertility that signaled an early onset of their demographic transition.
This volume intends to fill the gap in the range of publications about the post-transition social housing policy developments in Central and Eastern Europe by delivering critical evaluations about the past two decades of developments in selected countries’ social housing sectors, and showing what conditions have decisively impacted these processes.
The monograph summarizes main explanations of electoral participation and its decline. It presents a systematic own theory of electoral participation which stresses the importance of mobilization by external actors and individual motivations (instrumentál, expressive and normative). This theoretical framework is used to explain the level and decline in electoral participation.
Comprehensive biographical, bibliographical and analytical dictionary on 178 key figures of Czech sociology from its beginnings in the 19th century until the present.
The book focussed its attention on the fusion of the two phenomena: community and volunteering. The Authors based their concept of community volunteering on the historical survey of community development. They analyse community volunteering in three lines characterised as 1. informal help, 2. organised work and 3. virtual activism.
Rozvoj a kvalita života v obcích, městech, regionech i státech jsou úzce spojeny se vztahy mezi lidmi, vzájemnou důvěrou nebo důvěrou v instituce, tedy s prvky souhrnně označovanými jako sociální kapitál. Kniha obsahuje jak dílčí analýzy různých aspektů sociálního kapitálu v Kraji Vysočina, tak syntetizující pohled na sociální kapitál v tomto regionu a jeho přínos pro regionální rozvoj.
This dissertation explores the changes in professional and family starts of young men and
women in the Czech Republic. It compares an early family and work trajectories of persons,
who reached adulthood in 1990s and those theirs family and work starts occurred before 1989.
Theoretical and methodological background of this study draws upon a holistic approach to
the life-course study and a sequence analysis. The empirical analyses focus on three domains:
The book analyses evolution of Czech sociology from it very beginnings in the late 19th century to its temporary extinction after the communist coup d’état in 1948. Particular chapters describes roots and origins of Czech sociology, impact of T. G. Masaryk and his followers, three main interwar sociological schools, role of Czech sociologists in founding of Slovakian sociology and the situation of Czech sociology during the WWII and shortly after.
Using historical and sociological methods, the autor analyzes situation of religion in modern Czech society and compares it with religious processes occuring in other European countries.
The aim of this book is to present to the general public the work of sociologists, demographers, economists, political scientists and geographers, who work at the Institute of Sociology AS CR. Authors do not want to present a comprehensive report on the Czech society, but rather to answer some frequently asked questions, to verify validity of the different ideas and prejudices, which people living in our society have about themselves.
The bibliography summarises full sociological production in the Czech lands since the 19th century untill 2009; it is dividend into three time periods and accompanied with a foreword and personal index.
The book analyses four main dimensions of attitudes towards political regime and its institutions and describes changes in the attitudes within the Czech society between 1996 and 2006. These attitudinal dimensions are regime legitimacy, institutional disaffection, individual disaffection and political dissatisfaction.
The book follows up on the monograph (Un)equal chances for education (Academia 2006). Authors update findings on inequalities in compulsory education, on multi-year gymnasia, on inequalities in tertiary education, on the impact of the structure of the system of upper secondary education on education aspirations. They also add other important topics: further education, education of Roma children and early school leavers.
The goal of the book is to contribute to current debates of the research and development transformation in the Czech Republic based on qualitative research and theoretical and conceptual approaches in STS and gender studies. The book offers a sociological reflection of the transformations of everyday research practices, career paths, science policies and their effects, usage and reshaping in research institutions in social and natural sciences.
The monograph paper focuses on the issue of immigration from a family perspective, which has so far been largely overlooked by research into migration in the Czech Republic. Only one group of immigrants is observed, namely immigrants from "third countriesö to which the strictest legislative measures apply. The methodology used is that of a qualitative field survey in non-mixed families of immigrants from Ukraine, Vietnam, and Bulgaria.
The study describes and assesses range, conditions and variability of providing day care for children of pre-school and early-school age. The aim of the research was to supply missing statistical data with less accessible information. Among these are characteristics of activities and availability of nurseries and pre-schools, and deeper understanding of non-institutional forms of day care.
The book contains a description and evaluation of the housing system reform in the Czech Republic constituting part of the transition from centrally planned to market economy. It addresses two goals: to evaluate housing subsidy reforms by applying improved methods of welfare economics and, secondly, to list the main factors explaining the particular outcomes of this reform.
Proceedings of essays that compare and reflect ostalgia speeches in the Czech Republic and Germany in many different levels: political, social, including the use of "ostalgia" in commercial areas, educational and cultural. In Proceedings contributed with their views of representatives of various disciplines: political science, sociology, cultural studies, history and media studies.
The aim of the book is twofold, (1) to provide a comparative summaries on Central and Eastern Europe focused on a variety of topics, ranging from work flexibility to the role of women, (2) to present new ways for comparative research, one with help of new visualisation tools and the other with new forms of analyses, which are able to process large quantities of currently unused but available data sets.
Social report which informs about the development during the two decades in the fields of employment and social policies, earnings and income inequalities, social structures with attention to the situation of the middle class, pensioners and the poor, and socio-economic values with regard to work and consumer values.
The books addresses gender aspects of globalization and anti-globalization movement globálky and in the Czech Republic. It focuses on a question where the anti-globalization critique meets the feminist critique of globalization. The text presents feminist critique of globalization and its inclusion in the anti-globalization discourse. The book drala with several aspects of the contemporary anti-globalization movement – its ideological frames, composition and tactics.
The book focuses on the phenomenon of childlessness in the Czech society. Specifically, the aim of the book was to identify the factors contributing to childlessness and the increase in the percentage of the childless in young adult population, and to explore the understanding (definitions) of childlessness by the childless.
The book resumes qualitative research on religion in two medium-szided Czech towns - Ceska Lipa and Mikulov - that took place in 2007-08 within the framework of a project on Detraditionalization and Individualization of Religion in the Czech Republic; the research was inspired by a study of Kendal made by the University of Lancaster.
Zajímá vás moderní religiozita? Ptáte se, proč je česká společnost jednou z nejméně náboženských na světě? Chcete porozumět sociologickým, historickým a antropologickým výzkumům náboženství? I jejich omezením? Chcete se dozvědět něco víc z dějin české sociologie? Proniknout do diskusí o náboženství od druhé poloviny 19. století do současnosti? Pak je právě vám určena nová kniha Zdeňka R. Nešpora!
The text gives an overview of the current situation in the field of social services for older people with an emphasis on the fragile elderly provided by nongovernmental, not-for-profit bodies. The report has three main parts linked by the concept of needs. The first part of the report provides a comprehensive overview of the ageing of the Czech population and its impact on the present and future needs of social care services.
The encyclopedia of sociology of religion, which oulines all the fundamentals historic and contemporary debates within the discipline, its development, method(s) and contribution of seminal scholars.
The book examines legislative and institutional framings of childcare and its gendered impacts in the Czech Republic in the context of current policies of care in other European countries. The aim is to introduce results of analyses of empirical data on childcare to public debates and to point on several conceptual mistakes in current policy of care in the Czech Republic.
The book gives empirically well-founded study of changes of political and legal framework of the Czech Republic, analysis of existing institutional structures for interest representation. It describes the situation at the moment of joining the European Union and changes which happed after it.
The book has following major objectives: (1) to provide an overview of the criteria of quality considered desirable in sample surveys; (2) to evaluate the survey climate in the Czech Republic; and (3) to perform an in-depth analysis of two key topics: the nonresponse problem in sample surveys in the Czech Republic, and the quality of election polls in the Czech case.
<p><strong>Popular opposition and support for different types of the EU integration</strong></p>Lumí
<p>Lumír Gatnar and David Lane (Editors)</p>
Introduction to the sociology of religion, which describes development, key problems and current state of the discipline. The authors deal, among others, with the issues of „invisible religion“, religious deprivatization and desecularization, ethnic religions, and other contemporary religious phenomena.
The problems associated with migration gain more significance in nowadays globalized world. The study introduces theoretical views and general information on migrant processes as well as description of the main life conditions of the immigrants and their families. The first part of the study summarises main trends and knowledge of European and American studies on migration and general review of European immigration policies.
This study explores why the third sector is an important agent for promoting civic participation and interest representation. The empirical evidence presented in a first part of the study is organized using an analytical typology based on two key criteria: (a) type of organizational structure evident within specific non-governmental actors and (b) the organisational composition of the entire third sector in the Czech Republic.
The author analyses the golden years of Czech folk music from the point of view of sociology of religion. He understands the essence of Czech folk music in its politico-religious message, and pays attention to development of the genre in general and important singers and songwriters in particular.
Monograph on Czech popular religiosity in the 18th and 19th centuries, which pays attention to its relations with intellectual/elite religion, inner variance, and development.
The monograph desribes religious and ethnic particularities of a village Vojvodovo in north Bulgary, which was dwelled by Czech and Slovak religious emigrants in the first half of the 20th century. It contains also an edition of N. P. Necov´s history of the village and other documents of the period.
The volume offers detailed discussion of the most significant aspects of educational inequalities formation in the Czech Republic and presents them in historic and international contexts. The first part of the publication reflects educational inequalities theoretically and historically and compares the skills of Czech pupils internationally. The second part deals with formation of educational aspirations.
Ausländische Direktinvestitionen haben in Ostmitteleuropa seit 1990 einen erheblichen Modernisierungsschub der Wirtschaften bewirkt. Neue Managementkonzepte, Unternehmensorganisationen und Technik wurden vielfach mit implementiert. Die Arbeitsbeziehungen waren am Anfang entweder noch geprägt von den Bedingungen der Planwirtschaft oder mussten ganz neu gestaltet werden. Das Buch analysiert die entstandenen Modelle der Arbeitsbeziehungen.
The main question examined in this book is why are there relatively few Czech women involved in parliamentary politics. Using an empirical analytical approach, this study also investigates public attitudes towards the participation of women in politics in the Czech Republic. In addition, this research also outlines the barriers to women’s entrance to national politics, i.e. individual, social and institutional factors.
The European Union and Party Politics in Central and Eastern Europe examines the influence of the EU on the party politics of the eight post-communist countries that joined the Union in 2004, as well as that of Bulgaria and Romania, from the 1990s and through the first 18 months of EU membership.
The book aims to provide analysis of residential housing market and discover possible regularities, risks, and traps stemming from home-ownership. The goal of the publication is to convince both current and future homeowners in the Czech Republic that buying a home should be considered also as an investment. The book offers some instructions how to minimize possible risks in housing investment.
The proceedings contains nine papers, that concern with the various issues of Czech and European popular culture of the early modern era. Papers by J. Horsky and D. Tinkova covers the issue theoreticaly, why those by Z. R. Nespor, I. Kusnirakova, H. Sobotkova, J. Wolf, I. Cermanova, J. Randak and E. Novotna are grounded in the empirical research.
Economico-sociological research of Czech transformation after 1989 presented in the monograph was centred to the agricultural sector, due to importace ou outer impacts (structural changes, subsidies) and the presumption of its conservativeness. The research contains five field studies as well as analyses of historical, social and institutional development of the sector, which include the critical review of relevant Czech literature.
The volume presents a collection of articles and analyses exploring various paths of Europeanisation process in Eastern Europe. The articles provide an interdisciplinary reflection on the eastern enlargement as well as on recent situation in new member states.
The monograph represents synthetic of Eastern Bohemian sectarian movement of the Tolerance period (1791-1861) from the point of view of cultural history and sociology of religion. The author also analyses both an origin and resources of the movement, and its later development and transformations. Book is accompanied with a wide pictural and cartographic apendix.
This book is the first Czech attempt at a comprehensive understanding of gender relations within organisations. The book aims to clarify and describe the issues that the management of gender relations deals with, and to stimulate and advance gender awareness and sensitivity among readers.
The book contains the structured web of more than one hundred scenarios for the Czech Republic strategic behavior in European Union. The scenarios are deided into four broad fields: politics, cosial cohesion, institutions and globalization.
Housing is not a simple category that can be viewed from a single perspective. On one hand, housing is one of the basic human needs and the right to adequate housing has been classified as a basic human right. On the other hand, housing constitutes a special type of private property, traded on the market.
Large statistical and sociological evidence is gathered to display changes in social structure of Czech society before and after 1989, with a special focus on economic inequalities.
Political, demographic, social geographic, branch, proffession, economic and cultural changes in the Czech Republic and its mutual relations. Class organisation, stratification, egalitarian levelling of Czech Society after more than ten years of transformation. Life trajectories of individuals and social groups, changes in life strategies. Jakými životními dráhami prošli jednotlivci a sociální skupiny, změny životní strategie? Relationships of modernisation, EU, social cohesion.
The study deals with the fluctuation in housing construction in connection with the economic oscillation. Some of the stock-flow models are also described. Stock-flow models explain the dependence of changes in volumes of housing stock with regard to changes in some macroeconomics indicators (for example interest rates, inflation etc.).
The study offers the theoretical description of housing market operation and housing as a special good. Using theoretical economic analysis it evaluates the consequences of public interventions on housing market. The study should serve mainly for teaching purposes.
The study describes the development in financial affordability of housing in the Czech Republic and EU countries. The affordability is analysed for all tenures: rental housing, co-operative housing and home-ownership. Using econometric models it evaluates the consequences of potential rental housing reform on both the housing market and financial affordability of all groups of households.
The authors of the book „Housing – Res Publica“ describe the development of housing policies in selected developed and transitional societies and they especially provide the description and comparison of different systems of social housing and housing allowances. The authors evaluate the current housing policy tools in the Czech Republic from the point of view of efficiency and effectiveness.
The publication analyses the current situation on housing market in the Czech Republic including the discription of changes in housing expenditures of Czechhouseholds during the transition and main social tensions between households living in regulated rental sector and households living in market rental sector. In the second part the description of housing policies, social housing systems and models of housing allowances in the European Union countries is provided.
The book is based on an empirical survey "Young Genderation 1997" concerning attitudes towards the family, parenthood and partnership of young single people between 18-30 years of age. Besides the attitudestowards marriage, parenthood and ideal anad expected number of children,the survey was devoted to conditions and motives of concludings marriageand childbearing, to notions about an ideal partner and to attitudestowards divorce, abortions.
The publication starts with a description of the demographic and social structureof households followed by the analysis of the income differentiation. This is followed by a chapter on the househods amenities. The next chapter deals with a detailed the behavior of people in the area of consumption. The fifth chapter isdedicated to values and strategies. In the concluding chapter discussed arepeoples expectations in the nearest future.
Post-Communist Party Systems examines democratic party competition in four post-communist polities in the mid- 1990's, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Polan d. Legacies of pre-communist rule turn out to play as much a role in accounting for differences as the institutional differences incorporated in the new democratic rules of the game.