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Jaroslav Hlinka

Home page of Jaroslav Hlinka.

Short online CV


works at the Institute of Computer Science on the characterization of spatiotemporal patterns in real-world complex dynamical systems. He focuses on the study of spontaneous brain activity, both with neuroimaging methods such as fMRI, EEG or MEG and models of mathematical neuroscience. Recently he started studying other complex systems such as global climate.

JH currently serves as the Head of newly established Department of Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems.

During his PhD in Nottingham (UK), Jaroslav investigated spontanteous brain activity  with a range of methods spanning from analysis of multimodal neuroimaging resting-state human volunteer data (EEG-fMRI) to mathematical models of interacting neural populations. The PhD thesis is available on request. 


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Publication list


contact info

Department of Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems
Institute of Computer Science
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Pod Vodarenskou vezi 2
Prague 8, 182 07, Czech Republic

Tel: (+420) 26605 3808
E-mail: hlinka [at-remove-spam]

research interests

  • complex systems analysis and modelling

  • neuroimaging data analysis

  • modelling spontaneous brain activity

  • computational neuroscience

  • multivariate time series analysis

  • theoretical informatics


  • Interactions, information transfer and complex structures in the dynamics of changing climate (funded by Czech Science Foundation)


  • 2006 – 2010 PhD studies in Neuroimaging and Mathematical Neuroscience at University of Nottingham, UK

  • 2006 Graduated with honors for Ing. (MSc equivalent) in Mathematical Modelling, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University

  • 2005 Graduated with honors for Mgr. (MSc equivalent) in Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Charles University


  • 2006-2009 Marie Curie Research Fellow in the CMIAG group, University of Nottingham

  • 2006 Lecturer in Statistics, Faculty of Education, Charles University

  • 2002-2005 External data processing specialist in marketing research and psychological assessement, Qed & Quod, s.r.o.

  • 2002-2003 Programmer & research assistant at the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

research visits

  • Centre de recherches matématiques, Université de Montréal – research visit to the group of Prof. J. Patera, February-March 2004


publications (journal articles)

  • Profant, O.; Škoch, A.; Balogová, Z.; Tintěra, J.; Hlinka, J. & Syka, J. Diffusion tensor imaging and MR morphometry of the central auditory pathway and auditory cortex in aging Neuroscience , 2014, 260, 87 - 97:
  • Hlinka, J., Hartman, D., Vejmelka, M., Runge, J., Marwan, N., Kurths, J. and Paluš, M.: Reliability of inference of directed climate networks using conditional mutual information. Entropy 15(6), 2023-2045, 2013. [link]
  • Hlinka, J., Hartman, D., Vejmelka, M., Novotná D. and Paluš, M.,: Non-linear dependence and teleconnections in climate data: sources, relevance, nonstationarity. Climate Dynamics. Published online, 2013. [link] []
  • Hlinka, J., Coombes, S. Using Computational models to relate structural and functional brain connectivity. European Journal of Neuroscience 36(2), 2137-2145, 2012 
  • Hlinka, J., Hartman, D. and Paluš, M.: Small-world topology of functional connectivity in randomly connected dynamical systems. Chaos 22(3), 033107, 2012 [preprint]
  • Paluš, M., Hartman, D., Hlinka, J., and Vejmelka, M.: Discerning connectivity from dynamics in climate networks, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 18, 751-763, doi:10.5194/npg-18-751-2011, 2011.
  • Hartman, D., Hlinka, J., Paluš, M., Mantini, D., Corbetta, M. The Role of Nonlinearity in Computing Graph- Theoretical Properties of Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Brain Networks. 2011. Chaos. 013119
  • Hlinka, J., Palus, M., Vejmelka, M., Mantini, D., Corbetta, M. Functional connectivity in resting-state fMRI: Is linear correlation sufficient? 2011, Neuroimage, 54, 2218-2225
  • Hlinka, J., Alexakis, C., Diukova, A., Liddle, P.F., Auer, D.P. Slow EEG pattern predicts reduced intrinsic functional connectivity in the default mode network: an inter-subject analysis. 2010, Neuroimage, 53(1):239-246

  • Hlinka, J., Alexakis, C., Hardman, J.G., Siddiqui, Q., Auer, D.P. Is sedation-induced BOLD fMRI low-frequency fluctuation increase mediated by increased motion? 2010, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 23, 367-374

  • Hlinka, J., Coombes, S. Depolarization Induced Suppression of Excitation and the Emergence of Ultraslow Rhythms in Neural Networks. 2010, Physical Review Letters, 104, 068101

  • Dineen, R. A., Vilisaar, J., Hlinka, J., Bradshaw, C. M., Morgan, P. S., Constantinescu, C. S., and Auer, D. P. Disconnection as a mechanism for cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. 2009, Brain 132 (1):239-249.

  • Fekete, L., Hlinka, J. Y., Kadlec, F., Kužel, P., Mounaix, P. Active optical control of the terahertz reflectivity of high-resistivity semiconductors. 2005, Optics Letters, 30 (15): 1992-1994 (Highlighted in: Mat. Res. Soc. Bulletin, vol. 30, p. 668 2005, highlight article by V. Ranjan).