Úvod » About the library

About the library

Library of the AS CR, v. v. i. (ASL)
Národní 1009/3
115 22 Praha 1
Czech Republic

ID data boxes: a22nbqc
IČ: 67985971
DIČ: CZ67985971
bank details: account no. 68620011/0710, ČNB Praha 1
IBAN: CZ38 0710 0000 0000 6862 0011

Opening hours

9.00 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday–Friday

Library regulations

Price list of services and charges

ASL Deed of Establishment

ASL – directory of public research institutions (in Czech only)

ASL – register of libraries of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic (registry number 3411/2002, in Czech only)



The profile of the collection of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Library is stipulated as follows:

Documents containing scientific information, select popular educational, encyclopaedic and biographical, the scientific publication output of employees of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, this all according to selected language profile – Czech and basic world languages.

Emphasis is placed on the addition of the latest foreign scientific literature.