The project Research for Competitivness

The project aimed to develop a comprehensive integrated services center for strengthening the cooperative ties with the research and development (R & D) and business in Prague. The project has contributed significantly to the development of infrastructure in Prague and a greater use of research for the development of competitive knowledge-based.

With support for the project "Research for Competitiveness" (VÝKON)), which was launched in October 2009 and completed in early 2011, was implemented a purchase, reconstruction and technical equipment in the building Ve Struhach in Prague 6. Until then was TC, which is viewed as one of the leading national organizations to support research, development and innovation, scattered to the four remote sites in various parts of Prague. There was built a complex of integrated services to support business innovation, technology transfer and encouraging the participation of Czech research and business entities in international research projects. The project enabled the integration of all TC activities in one building and initiate new activities. An important contribution was the establishment of international information center of the Enterprise Europe Network, which the TC coordinates in the Czech Republic.

At the same time a modern conference and training center for holding seminars, training courses and conferences arose in the ground floor with a capacity of 130 seats in two rooms with all conference facilities. The three-story building has a total of 42 offices to nearly 100 employees.