Saturday, 2 08 2014

Last update28.07 12:10

Public Opinion about Transfer of Sudet-German and about President Benes Decrees

In November survey CVVM also asked respondents some questions about Benes decrees.

Currently more than a half of respondents share the opinion that Benes Decrees should continue to be in force, 13 % stood up for their cancellation, and more than a third (34 %) did not answer this question..

Expulsion of Sudet-German is considered to have been just by a half respondents, on the other hand a total of 32 % think it unjust.

More than a half of respondents (55 %) think, that Benes Decrees influence negatively relationships with Germany. Same opinion is shared by a quarter of respondents when talking about relationships with Austria.

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


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