
5. 5. 2014

Oddělení Gender & sociologie si vás dovoluje pozvat na přednášku:

Francine M. Deutsch, Professor of Psychology at Mount Holyoke College: "Equally Sharing Household Labor: How Couples around the World Undo Gender One Diaper at a Time".

13. 3. 2014

Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences would like to invite you for Thursday seminar with

MICHAEL SMITH and his topic Individual Heterogeneity in Economic Returns to College in Central Europe

5. 12. 2013

Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., ve spolupráci s ISS FSV UK si Vás dovolují pozvat na čtvrteční seminář, kde vystoupí prof. CARMELO LOMBARDO z University Sapienza v Římě s přednáškou v angličtině na téma analytické sociologie:

14. 10. 2013

With the support of the programme 'Europe for Citizens' of the European Union.

27. 11. 2011

1.12. 2011, 14:00, Jilská 1, 2.floor, doors n. 207

11. 5. 2011

The seminar will take place this Thursday, May 12 at 10 AM in the Academic Conference Centre - AKC, husova 4, Prague 1

28. 3. 2011

This seminar will take place this Thursday, March 31 at 10am, in the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, in the seminar room no. 207, 2nd floor.


"Dilemmas of lobbying regulation: challenges and solutions"

This semi...

20. 11. 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007, 9am-3:20pm at the American Center of the United States Embassy in Prague

21. 11. 2005

Seminary takes place rarely in Ústav dějin umění in Husova street n. 4 on the 1 December 2005 at 14,00 on the 1 floor, room n. 117.