
Marta Vlasáková (translator & editor),
Bernard Bolzano: O matematické metodě
[On mathematical method],
Filosofia, Praha, 2012



J. Peregrin:
Člověk a pravidla [Man and rules]
Praha, Dokořán, 2011


M.Duží, B. Jespersen, P. Materna:
Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional Logic
(Foundations and Applications of TIL)
Springer, 2010

This volume sets out the foundations of Transparent Intensional Logic, together with many applications to a wide range of topics including formal semantics, philosophy of language, and philosophical logic. Special attention is devoted to some topics that generally tend to be dealt with only in passing. They include, inter alia, notional attitudes, knowing whether, concepts (understood rigorously and non-mentalistically),attitudes de re, and anaphora in hyperintensional contexts.


V. Svoboda a kolektiv:
Logika a přirozený jazyk [Logic and natural language]
Praha, Filosofia, 2010


V. Svoboda, J. Peregrin:
Od jazyka k logice
(Filozofický úvod do moderní logiky)
[From language to logic
(Philosophical introduction to modern logic)]
Praha, Academia, 2009.



J. Peregrin (ed.): Logika 20. století: mezi filosofií a matematikou.
(Výbor textů k moderní logice.)
[Logic of the 20. century: between philosophy and mathematics
(Selection of texts towards modern logic)]
Praha, Filosofia, 2006



J. Peregrin: Kapitoly z analytické filosofie [Chapters from analytic philosophy],
Praha, Filosofia


M. Vlasáková: Bernard Bolzano: cesta k logické sémantice [Bernard Bolzano: a Way to Logical Semantics], Praha, Filosofia



V. Svoboda, B. Jespersen, C. Cheyne (eds.):
Pavel Tichý’s Collected Papers in Logica and Philosophy,
Praha / Dunedin, Filosofia / University of Otago Press


J. Peregrin: Logika a logiky [Logic and logics],
Praha, Academia


P. Materna: Conceptual Systems,
Berlin, Logos



J. Peregrin: Filosofie a jazyk [Philosophy and language],
Praha, Triton



J. Peregrin: Meaning and Structure,
Ashgate, Aldershot

n this book (which is a reworked English version of my Czech 'Význam a struktura') the author argues that recent and contemporary (post)analytic philosophy, as developed by Quine, Davidson, Sellars and Brandom, is largely structuralistic in the very sense in which structuralism was originally tabled by de Saussure. He reconstructs de Saussure's view of language, link it to modern formal logic and mathematics and reveals close analogies between its constitutive principles and the principles informing the holistic and neopragmatistic view of language put forward by Quine & comp. He also indicates that this view of language is not incompatible with formal approaches to semantics.
21-03-2013 12:30:13