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Poezie jako promluva par excellence EVA VOLDŘICHOVÁ BERÁNKOVÁ Francouzská literární teorie a kritika sice v českém akademickém prostředí není zcela...
„Nerozluštitelné, ale přítomné“: Tajemství Ivana Diviše ZORNITZA KAZALARSKÁ Monografie Jiřího Zizlera Ivan Diviš. Vystup na horu poezie vznikla z naléhavé potřeby zaplnit...
Milan Jelínek (1923–2014) JIŘÍ TRÁVNÍČEK Jeho život v sobě nese typické znaky dané generace, jakož i místa, kde se odehrál. Utvářelo ho ještě...

Wireless network Eduroam

In the area of the Institute of Czech Literature AS CR is possible to connect to wireless network eduroam. This is international project developed by TERENA association which interconnects different campus networks and allows its users to connect to wireless network all around Europe. Cesnet association id in the charge of this project at the national level. You can find more information here: .

Eduroam network broadcasts with essid eduroam, authentication is based on 802.1x protocol, security protocol is WPA2 and encryption mode AES. You can find confuguration guide on this page .  You need valid user credentials for successful login to the eduroam network. You should obtain these credentials as well as documentation for client device configuration and user support at your home institution.