Projects archive

    • COSMOS+

      The project follows the objectives COSMOS  - to reinforce the network of National Contact Points (NCP) for Space via co-operation. This is to ensure a more balanced high quality of the services and to add value to the work provided by each single Space NCP. Additionally the network will promote dissemination of GMES and other Space related services to regional authorities, potential local downstream service providers and the interested public.

      • Partners:

        34 partners

      • Outputs:

        Outputs are presented at


      • Duration: May 2012 - July 2014
      • Submitter: European Commision
      • Manager: Mirovský Ondřej
    • NMP TeAm 2

      This project builds on the results and the achievements of the FP7 NMP NCP Network project NMP TeAm. NMP TeAm 2 aims at assisting the NMP NCP Network to provide good quality and high standard services to the proposers and therefore helping simplify access to FP7 calls, lowering the entry barriers for newcomers, and raising the average quality of submitted proposals.  To this effect the four main objectives of this projectare:  

      • to optimise the tools at hand to the benefit of the networks clients, such as the partner search system developed in NMP TeAm, the use and further development of the NMP NCP Network website and other communication tools,
      • to maximise the impact and add value to organised European wide events by organising parallel partnership building events, joint NMP NCP stands and joint awareness campaigns,
      • to standardise the Network skills and provided services through the creation of documentation to aid the work of the NCPs and the actualization of the charter of services, staff exchanges, twinnings and targete trainings and
      • to forge and utilize the links with NMP related Networks, Technology Platforms, the Enterprise Europe Network and the International collaboration programme. 
      • Partners:

        16 partners, coordinator Foundation for Research and Technology HELLAS, Greece

      • Outputs:

        Project output will be published at the project website

      • Duration: February 2012 - July 2014
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Kubátová Jitka
    • SiSnet is the international network of National Contact Points (NCPs) for the Science in Society (SiS) area in the EU’s 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7). The network unites more than 60 representatives from all European and number of non-European countries.

      • Outputs:

        Project web site:

      • Duration: November 2011 - June 2014
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Pacvoň Michal

      Environment NCPs cooperating to improve their effectiveness

      This project is a set of coherent activities and tasks that will foster further cooperation between Environment NCPs from EU member States and Associated States. The main goal is to improve the services NCPs offer to potential proposers. The main outcomes will be: a) strengthened cooperation between NCPs across Europe by setting up new and effective means of communication, b) increased quality of services offered by NCPs to proposers with the aim to increase the number and quality of project proposals submitted in response to FP7 calls for proposal and c) integration of other non-EU NCPs into the EU NCP network in order to increase mutually beneficial research and technological development between Europe and International Partners Cooperation Countries.

      • Partners:

        27 partners from different countries (mainly EU countries but also Bulgaria, Turkey, India, Switzerland), the coordinator of the project is Viorel Vulturescu, National Authority for Scientific Research, Romania 

      • Outputs:

        Outputs will be published at a project’s website.

      • Duration: 1 January 2009 - 31 December 2013 (60 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Čejková Jana
    • Fit for Health

      Fit for Health" is a network of experts for the successful participation of research centres, universities and innovative SMEs in EU-funded "HEALTH" research projects

      The success of the SMEs go Health project in its support of SMEs and researchersprompted a new follow-up initiative entitled Fit for Health which started in October 2010.

      Fit for Health offers wide-ranging services specifically for research-intensive, high technology SMEs and researchers in the EU-funded “Health” thematic priority of FP7.

      The team of 26 highly experienced FP7 national contact points (NCPs) for “Health” and “SMEs”, with renowned innovation experts and trainers, ensure excellent coverage of the entire innovation pipeline: we help innovative SMEs, researchers from universities and research centres during all phases of FP7 projects, from the project idea to the efficient and effective valorisation of project results.

      Fit for Health is optimally connected to other key support networks for SMEs, offering a synergistic benefit for SMEs and researchers acting in the Health-related area.

      • Partners:

        26 partners, coordinator FFG Austria

      • Outputs:

        Project outputs will be available at:


      • Duration: October 2010 - September 2013
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Kinkorová Judita

      The HEALTH-NCP-NET is the network of all officially appointed Health National Contact Points (NCPs) for the 7th EU Framework Programme (FP7). The consortium consists of 19 not only EU countries, and the project spans across 39 countries in Europe and the world.

      The NCP network is the main provider of adice and individual assistance for all FP7 issues:

      help to better understand the FP7 program, help to find the topic in priority Health in FP7, help to bring researcher and SMEs together in the right projects, help to support SMEs and researchers for successful participation in the priority Health of FP7.

      • Partners:

        39 partners, coordinator is the Instituto de Salud Carlos III,  Spai

      • Outputs:

        Project outputs will be available at:

      • Duration: May 2008 - April 2012
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Kinkorová Judita
    • SERENE 2

      The aim of the SEREN2 coordination action is to link the different NCPs of the Security research programme, to initiate coordination in the network, and to improve the quality of the of the network and, as a matter of fact, the ability of its members to deliver a high level of services to the comunity.  Security Research presents several specificities as compared to other COOPERATIO's thematic priorities. In consequence, perhaps more than in the other FP7 programmes and thematic priorities, there is a strong necessity to inform and support the European Security Research community to participate to FP7. Project activities will focuse on organisation of partnering and brokerage evants, developing of a partner search system and other useful tools which are directly available from project website.

      • Partners:

        26 partners from EU member states and associated countries to FP7

      • Outputs:

        available at the  project website

      • Duration: 1. 4. 2011 - 31. 3. 2013 (24 month)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Hillerová Eva

      ERAWATCH is a long term initiative jointly carried out by the European Commissio's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (RTD), the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry  (ENTR) and the Joint Research Centre - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS) based in Seville (Spain). ERAWATCH is the European Commissio's information platform on European, national and regional research systems and policies. Its main objectives are to support policy-making in the research field in Europe and to contribute to the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA)

      • Partners:

        The service currently covers 61 countries: 27 EU Member States, 13 countries associated with the European Community's Research Framework Programme and 21 third countries, including 7 being added in 2011

      • Outputs:

        Project output has been published at the project’s website:

      • Duration: January 1, 2005 (project was periodically prolonged every year untill December 2012)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Kostić Miroslav
    • TransCoSME

      The TransCoSME project supports activities of the European Network of SME National Contact Points. The aim of the project is to enhance the quality of services that are provided to FP7 project proposers and participants by SME NCPs in their respective countries. The intent is to increase the NCP work efficiency, improve their qualification and to enhance networking between NCPs in Europe. 

      • Partners:

        36 partners from EU member states and associated countries

      • Outputs:

        Outputs are available at

      • Duration: 1 February 2008 - 31 January 2011 (36 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Škarka Martin
    • National Information Centre for European Research - NICER III

      NICER III project follows the NICER and NICER II projects, and is focused on supporting Czech participation in European research, especially in the 7. Framework Programme (7. FP) -  providing information on the 7. FP, assisting in preparation of the projects and search for partners, enhancing knowledge and readiness of participants necessary for a succesful involvement in international reseach as well as other activities related to building the European Research Area (ERA). An integral part of the project is monitoring Czech participation in the Framework Programmes for the needs of state administration and also publishing activity.

      • Partners:

        Technology Centre AS CR

      • Outputs:

        Project outputs are published at the project’s website:

      • Duration: March 1, 2009 - December 31, 2012
      • Submitter: Ministry of Education Youth and Sports
      • Manager: Koníčková Naďa

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