
Open positions

Research Position in NLTE stellar atmosphere modelling

Astronomical Institute opens one temporary position in its Stellar department in the field of NLTE radiative transfer and atmosphere modelling. The applicant is expected to have basic experience in this field and to have a university degree at the time of arrival.

The Stellar Department of the Astronomical Institute is located on the observatory campus in Ondrejov, which is situated approximately 30 km south-east of Prague. The stellar department (http://stelweb.asu.cas.cz) operates a 2m telescope with a coudé spectrograph. Czech Republic is a member state of both ESO, and has access to ESO facilities. The department includes about a dozen active researchers, with a total of about 60 scientists working at the Astronomical Institute. The department offers excellent computing facilities, running under Linux. Researchers of the stellar department also have free access to the computer cluster (http://wave.asu.cas.cz/ocas/).

The salary will be based on the standard domestic scale. The starting date is as soon as possible and the appointment is initially for 1 year. Further extension will be possible upon satisfactory scientific results, publication output, and availability of funding.

The candidates should send their applications (list of publications, curriculum vitae, and summary of their research work) and arrange two letters of recommendation to be sent directly to Dr. J. Kubát, Astronomical Institute, Fričova 298, 251 65 Ondřejov, Czech Republic; (phone +420 323620328, fax +420 323620250), preferrably via e-mail kubat@sunstel.asu.cas.cz. Applications should be received before 30th October 2014. The selection process will continue until a suitable candidate is found.