Projects archive

    • Inno-Policy TrendChart

      The project is a European Commission´s initiative and its objective is to collect and analyze information on national innovation systems and policies. All EU member and candidate countries take part in the project, as well as other countries from Asia, South and North America, and North Africa. Technology Centre AS CR represents the Czech Republic as a project partner.

      • Partners:

        all EU member, associated and candidate countries, 3 groups of countries outside Europe (A: NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and Brasil; B: MEDA countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Marocco, Syria, Tunisia);
        C: Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand)

      • Outputs:

        The project output is published at

      • Duration: 1 January 2004 - (project was periodically extended on a yearly basis until December 2012)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Kostić Miroslav
    • BIO-NET

      The aim of this project is to reinforce the network of National Contact Points (NCP) for

      the Seventh Framework Programme under Theme 2 “Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and

      Biotechnology”. The leading concept of the coordination action is based on three types of joint activities:

      - activities to improve the services of BIO-NCPs through training and common tools

      - activities to improve the cohesion of the BIO-NCP network through network activities

      - activities to simplify access to FP7 calls through joint trans-national activities

      • Partners:

        National contact organizations from 27 EU member states, associated countries and candidate countries

      • Outputs:

        Outputs will be available at a project website

      • Duration: 1 September 2008 - 31 August 2012 (48 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Koníčková Naďa
    • COSMOS

      The main idea behind the project is to reinforce the network of National Contact Points (NCP) for Space via co-operation. This is to ensure a more balanced high quality of the services and to add value to the work provided by each single Space NCP. Additionally the network will promote dissemination of GMES and other Space related services to regional authorities, potential local downstream service providers and the interested public.

      • Partners:

        34 partners 

      • Outputs:

        Ouptputs will be presented at (under construction).

      • Duration: July 2008 - March 2012
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Mirovský Ondřej
    • ObservatoryNANO

      The aim of the project is to create a European Observatory on Nanotechnologies to present reliable, complete and responsible science-based and economic expert analysis, across different technology sectors, establish dialogue with decision makers and others regarding the benefits and opportunities, balanced against barriers and risks, and allow them to take action to ensure that scientific and technological developments are realized as socio-economic benefits.

      • Partners:

        The project is led by the Institute of Nanotechnology (UK), and includes: VDI Technologiezentrum (DE), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (FR), Institute of Occupational Medicine (UK), Malsch TechnoValuation (NL), triple innova (DE), Spinverse (FI), Bax and Willems Consulting Venturing (ES), Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (NL), Technical University of Darmstadt (DE), Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca Industriale (IT), Nano and Micro Technology Consulting (DE), Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs und Forschungsanstalt (CH), University of Aarhus (DK), MERIT - Universiteit Maastricht (NL), Technology Centre AS CR (CZ). 

      • Outputs:

        Project outputs are available at 

      • Duration: 1 April 2008 - 31 March 2012 (48 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Salejová Gabriela
    • NanoCode

      The European Project NanoCode is a multistakeholder dialogue providing inputs to implement the European Code of Conduct for Responsible Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies Research commenced in January 2010. This two-year project is funded under the Programme Capacities, in the area Science in Society, within the 7th Framework Program (FP7).

      The objective of NanoCode is to define and develop a framework aimed at supporting the successful integration and implementation, at European level and beyond, of the Code of Conduct (CoC) for nanosciences and nanotechnologies (N&N) research as developed by the European Commission.

      • Partners:

        Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca Industriale (koordinátor, IT), INNO – The Innovation Society Ltd. (CH), ION - Institute of Nanotechnology (UK), USTUTT – Universität Stuttgart (DE), CEA – Commissariat a l´energie atomique (FR), PH – Fundacion Phantoms (ES), TC - Technologické centrum AV ČR (CZ), CAB – Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica (AR), DST – Department of Science and Technology (ZA), TUDELFT – Technische Iniversiteit Delft (NL)

      • Duration: January 2010 - November 2011
      • Submitter: European Commision
      • Manager: Kubátová Jitka
      • Link:
    • EuroRIs-Net

      The main aim is to “put” the RIs and their key role in the “spotlight of ERA”, through several coordination activities and high level services offered by the Network, as well as through raising awareness on the capacities and capabilities offered by RIs and their important role on the further improvement and development of: the European excellence on all Research fields; the enhancement of the innovative base of the European Industry; the strengthening of the dialogue with ICPC countries with important RIs for mutual benefit. The implementation of EuroRIs-Net will ensure the coordination and synergies between NCPs networks, the raise awareness across Europe, the offer of a high quality consistent RIs NCP service across Europe for the benefit of users, Scientific Society, Industry, potential proposers and projects’ consortia. Moreover within the framework of the EuroRIs-Net, activities will be implemented for the coordination of European awareness activities in order to increase the performance of the European Scientific Society and to enhance the know-how and innovative base of the Industrial sector through the utilization of RIs or through its participation in EU RIs initiatives.

      • Partners:

        35 partners from member states, associated states to FP7, Canada, Russia etc. The coordinator is National Documentation Centre (EKT-NHRF) from Greece.

      • Outputs:

      • Duration: November 2007 - October 2011
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Daniel Ondřej
    • iKnow

      "interconnecting Knowledge for the early identification of issues, events and developments (i.e. wild cards & associated weak signals) shaping and shaking the future of science, technology and innovation (STI) in the European Research Area (ERA)"


      The aim of the project is developing and piloting conceptual and methodological frameworks to identify, classify, cluster and analyse wildcards and weak signals and, in so doing, assess the implications for, and expected impact on, the ERA vision.

      • Partners:

        PREST Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, The University of Manchester, UK (coordinator), Finland Futures Research Centre (FI), Z-Punkt (DE), RTC North (UK), Technology Centre AS CR (CZ), Interdisciplinary Centre for Technology Analysis and Forecasting (Izrael), Mindcom Ltd (FI) a CyberFox (CZ)

      • Outputs:

        The project output will be published at

      • Duration: November 2008 - April 2011 (30 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Faťun Martin
    • Strategic Studies for RTD - research plan

      The research work is focused on creating qualified information sources for decision-makers which enable them to make informed decisions in shaping national research and innovation policies, setting up and updating long-term research programmes financed from public funds, defining national research priorities and creating conditions for effective exploitation of research results supported from public funds. Attention will also be paid to developing methodology for foresight studies related to research, technology development and innovation.

      • Partners:

        Technology Centre AS CR

      • Outputs:

        Project output is continuously published at

      • Duration: 1 January 2004 - 31 December 2010
      • Submitter: Ministry of Education
      • Manager: Klusáček Karel
    • FramingNano

      FramingNano (Governance in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology) is an FP7 project established with the objective of defining a governance framework, together with a constructive and practicable regulatory proposals, aimed at supporting  responsible development of nanoscience and nanotechnology through the process of an open and international multi-stakeholder dialogue amongst the scientific, industrial, non-governmental and broader public communities.

      • Partners:

        AIRI/NanotecIT, Italy (coordinator); Innovation Society, Switzerland; Institute of Nanotechnology, UK; EurActiv, Belgium; Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment – RIVM, The Netherlands; Technology Centre ASCR, Czech Republic

      • Outputs:

        Project output is published at

      • Duration: 1 May 2008 - 31 March 2010 (23 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Kubátová Jitka

      FP7 project EUROSIS aims to enhance the network of National Contact Points (NCPs) in the FP7 priority “Science in Society” and to create from this network an efficient instrument of the realization of the FP7 objectives. The project organizes workshops, thematic meetings and trainings. The project should also contribute to the confectioning of the unique European partner search tool.

      • Partners:

        34 partners coordinated by EUROSCIENCE (Greece)

      • Outputs:

        Outputs will be available at the project website

      • Duration: February 2008 - January 2010 (24 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Pacvoň Michal

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