
The Most Borrowed Library Books of 2011

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Cover Image Title Loans per Year Number of Copies
Mas-Colell, Andreu. Whinston, Michael D.. Green, Jerry R.. 1995. Microeconomic theory: 1st ed. 250 72
Mankiw, N. Gregory. 2003. Macroeconomics: 5th ed. 206 56
Wooldridge, Jeffrey M.. 2003. Introductory econometrics: a modern approach: 2nd ed. 199 41
Casella, George. Berger, Roger L.. 2002. Statistical inference 156 59
Romer, David. 2006. Advanced macroeconomics: 3rd ed. 156 37
Varian, Hal R.. 2006. Intermediate microeconomics: a modern approach: 7th ed. 130 65
McCandless, George. 2008. The ABCs of RBCs: an introduction to dynamic macroeconomic models: [1st ed.]. 104 27
Enders, Walter. 2004. Applied econometric time series: 2nd ed. 102 33
Barro, Robert J.. Sala-i-Martin, Xavier 2004. Economic growth: 2nd ed. 102 31
Greene, William H.. 2003. Econometric analysis: 5th ed. 97 48
Vinogradov, Viatcheslav V.. 2010. Mathematics for economists: made simple: 1st ed. 96 50
Kočenda, Evžen. Černý, Alexandr. 2007. Elements of time series econometrics: an applied approach: 1st ed. 86 26
Schotter, Andrew. 1997. Microeconomics: a modern approach: 2nd ed. 83 37
Varian, Hal R.. 1992. Microeconomic analysis: 3rd ed. 80 37
  Giltrow, Janet. 1995. Academic writing: writing and reading across the disciplines: 2nd ed. 77 38
Simon, Carl P.. Blume, Lawrence. 1994. Mathematics for economists. 77 50
Cameron, Colin A.. Trivedi, Pravin K.. 2005. Microeconometrics: methods and applications: 1st ed. 62 30
Hirshleifer, Jack. Riley, John G.. 1992. The analytics of uncertainty and information: 1st ed. 61 33
Sydsaeter, Knut. 2005. Further mathematics for economic analysis. 60 44
Tirole, Jean. 1988. The theory of industrial organization: [1st ed.]. 59 24