The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - II. Life and Chemical Sciences


banner-cs.jpg PUBLIC COLLECTION OF IMG AS CR, V. V. I. On August 6th, 2014, the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the AS CR, v. v. i., (IMG) opened a public collection aimed to help 14-year-old Katareeya Epp, who is suffering from a severe form of cancer. Her parents are employed in the IMG (project BIOCEV).

Because Katareeya originates from a “third country”, namely, Australia, according to the Czech legislation she is not entitled to healthcare support from the public healthcare insurance.
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Isolation of Yttrium and Europium Compounds from Scrap Luminophoric Dust Obtained in the Process of Recovery of Used TV Sets and PC Monitors

To reuse the glass from spent TV sets or PC monitors there is necessary to remove a luminophoric layer from the inner side of the it changes after re-melting optical properties of the glass. This material contains about 10% of yttrium and about 1% of europium, as well as other heavy metals and up to now it is dumped like a hazardous waste. In ICPF, a new method for Y, Eu isolation was developed and verified.
The process is based on a selective liquid-liquid extraction of both valuable elements by phosphorus esters, while all escorting elements remain in a raffinate. Yttrium and europium is then isolated from the organic extract in a form of oxides.
Method was tested in a semiplant scale in Safina Vestec, Ltd. and recently, the data for a technological equipment design are being completed.
The process is protected by PCT both in CR and abroad.




Ing. Václav Gruber, CSc
phone: 220 390 249
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, of the ASCR