Saturday, 13 09 2014

Last update28.07 12:10

Trust in some authorities in our society and in people around us

We have long been monitoring the trustworthiness various social institutions enjoy among the public. The last survey investigating this issue was conducted by the Public Opinion Research Centre in March.

People place the greatest trust in persons they know (88% of respondents trust most of them) and in the president (75%). They generally consider the army (61%) and our media, namely television (64%) and newspapers (59%), to be trustworthy. More than a half of respondents are of the opinion that they can believe the majority of people in our country (57%), whereas a third of them are persuaded to the contrary. Nearly a half of respondents trust the police (47%), as opposed to 51% who do not believe it.

Approximately two fifths of those surveyed expressed trust in courts, trade unions and private enterprises. The prime minister and churches are trusted by roughly a third of respondents. Political parties and members of parliament are regarded as the least trustworthy (both trusted by about a quarter of respondents). The percentage of respondents who do not trust a certain institution is highest in case of political parties (71%) and members of parliament (73%). Mistrust also prevails towards the police, courts, churches, private enterprises and the prime minister (42% - 58%).


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