Saturday, 13 09 2014

Last update28.07 12:10

Satisfaction with job and evaluation of working relations

Major part of czech working people is satisfied with their jobs, when 81 % of economically active people chose that answer.Only a fifth of working people is dissatisfied with the job. People with good standart of living, university graduates , (93% of them are satisfied with their jobs) and earners are satisfied with their jobs.November survey was also focused on evaluation of working relations. 52 % of respondents characterised the situation in workplace, as a place where is good cooperation without personal relationship, more than a fifth stated that there is friendly atmosphere on their workplace. Almost a fifth or respondents suppose the relationships on the workplace to be negative, 13 % described it as place with cool atmosphere and 5% as a place with conflict atmosphere.

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


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