Detail akce

Ways to European FutureU

Datum: 11.5.200612.5.2006
Kde: Ministry of Education, Karmelitska 7, Prague 1

The Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic in cooperation with Technology Centre AS CR organizes a conference “Ways to European Future“ - A Dialogue between Policy Makers and Foresight Practitioners on 11-12 May 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic. See the draft programme.

The conference is organized within the ForSociety ERA-NET ( which is focused on coordinating national foresight exercises.

This conference is to be a dialogue on the interface between policy-making and foresight. It will be focused on the role of foresight as a tool in policy-making. A discussion on the basis of presentations is anticipated. We hope that this event will contribute to a dialogue on the European level, raise interest of policy-makers and all stakeholders in the addressed issues.

Policy-makers and state administration officials, representatives of both the academic and business world are invited to attend the Conference and take part in the foreseen dialogue.

As the capacity of the Conference venue is limited we kindly ask you to register as soon as possible. If you are interested in the Conference please fill in the attached Registration Form and send it by e-mail to: by 15 April 2006. Upon receiving your registration you will be given information on organizational details (recommendation on accommodation, etc.)


  • Jméno: Ing. Kristina Kadlecikova
  • Telefon na pořadatele: +420 234 006 147
  • E-mail na pořadatele: