Nanotechnology Laboratory

  • Production of nanostructures by electron (EBL) and ion-beam lithography (focused ion beam - FIB), including the preparation of thin films by spin coating.

  • Characterization of nanostructures and imaging conductive and non-conductive samples using electron microscopy (SEM).

Laboratoř nanotechnologie      Laboratoř nanotechnologie


  1. Raith e_LiNE plus: Electron lithograph (EBL) and microscope (SEM) to enable writing of nanostructures with a resolution better than 10 nm (in HSQ, respectively. 20 nm in PMMA) lithograph table with laser-interferometric subtraction position allows unseating the write field with an accuracy of ~ 30 nm, secondary detectors (Everhart-Thornley, InLens) and backscattered (BSE) electron.
  2. FEI DualBeam Versa3D: Stations combining electron and ion column enables scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with a resolution down to 1 nm and enabling work in both high and low vacuum (suitable for non-conductive samples). Ionic column allows both direct write 3D nanostructures of various materials (metals, glass, polymers, etc.) and ion microscopy (SIM).
  3. Laurell WS-650: Assembly spin-coating of thin films (spin-coater).

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  • +420 266 773 400

Data box: m54nucy

IČ: 67985882
DIČ: CZ67985882

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