SLON/SOÚ co-editions
Byla Praha vždy baštou pravice a Morava vždy levicová?
Proč jsou prostorové vzorce volební podpory křesťanskodemokratických stran v čase tak stabilní, zatímco volební vzorce klasické levice nebo klasické pravice v čase mnohem proměnlivější?
Odráží se v prostorových vzorcích volebních výsledků především skutečnost, že se lidé chovají jako homo economicus, sledující svoje ekonomické zájmy, nebo to někdy neplatí?
The publication explores gender aspects of researchers’ career plans, academic mobility, combination of research and parenthood, image of science in the media and gender equality policies in science. The introductory chapter discusses current changes in research and position of women in Czech science.
Autoři se v knize zaměřili na dva provázané cíle. Prvním bylo vysvětlení toho, proč jsou čtyři politické strany (ČSSD, KDU-ČSL, KSČM a ODS) opakovaně a dlouhodobě volebně úspěšné, což jim garantuje kontinuální zastoupení v českém parlamentu; tato organizační stabilita stranického systému je v postkomunistickém prostoru unikátní. Proto autoři upřeli svou pozornost na dlouhodobé faktory, které ovlivňují hlasování českých voličů pro konkrétní politické strany.
Kniha v širokých historických, sociálních a politických souvislostech analyzuje hlavní charakteristiky, vnitřní vývoj a pozici Komunistické strany Čech a Moravy v českém politickém systému po roce 1989. Zabývá se otázkou antisystémové identity strany, její povahy a dynamiky v čase.
The central empirical puzzle addressed in this book is why are Czech citizens’ attitudes towards key facets of democracy so similar under socialist democracy in 1968 and liberal democracy in 2008? Examining unique survey datasets from the late 1960s and 2008 this book reveals that Czech and Slovak citizens’ political attitudes can justifiably be characterised in terms of stability.
The area that comprises today’s Czech Republic has a long and rich history of providing childcare facilities to preschool children. Kindergartens continue to be popular to this day and at present almost all Czech children attend these facilities. On the other hand, nurseries nearly vanished in the Czech Republic.
This book is about different forms of societal impact of the social sciences. It presents a polemic with a narrow understanding of societal impact of research as practiced by science policy in the Czech Republic (and elsewhere). Three basic theses are proposed and argued. 1. Social sciences’ operation in society is multiple and more significant than usually assumed in public and policy debate, and by the academic community.
The book treats the problem of functioning of democracy from the perspective of trust. Three main types of trust are defined in the democratic system: systemic trust (legitimacy of the regime), trust in institutions and general trust in other people. The work analyzes the role of these different types of trust as well as consequences of distrust on different levels of democratic system.
The main aim of this book is to provide researchers on Czech society, politics and economy with two key resources: (1) a useful tool for working with data sources available for the study of Czech society and (2) a ready source of information and advice for processing their own research data.
Authors of the book reveal and deconstruct seven myths that block open discussion and reforms in the area of childcare policy in the Czech Republic, and formulate the principles of non-discriminatory childcare policy.
Živitelství představuje historicky a sociálně proměnlivý jev, který může nabývat podoby výhradního či převážně mužského anebo ženského živitelství či spoluživitelství. Kniha se zaměřuje na praxi živitelství (ale i pečovatelství) a její vymezení z perspektivy rodičů. Autorky publikace zajímá reflexe vztahu mezi živitelstvím a péčí a vnímání důsledků určitého uspořádání rodičovských rolí pro seberealizaci a možnosti uplatnění rodičů v rodině i mimo ni.
Scholarly elboreted biographical and thematical encycloppaedia of 213 contemporary Czech sociologists and academics in related disciplines and 28 sociological departments/institutes in the Czech Republic.
The book concerns the functioning of local governments in rural municipalities in the Czech Republic and their possibilities to impact local development. The authors describe formal and informal features of local governments in rural municipalities, their agenda and decision making processes. At the same time, they deal with the problem of local development potentials and development opportunities and deficiencies of rural communities.
The monography studies youth music subcultures in a contemporary Czech republic. It focuses on issues of values, political aspects of subcultures, relation to mainstream culture, inner differentation of subcultures and alternative lifestyles. Four popular music subcultures (punk, skinheads, techno and hip hop) were analysed by qualitative research approach and by insider perspective which understands subcultures through inner meanings and interpretations of members of these groups.
The main objective of this book is to analyse the processes of cooperation, partnership and participation in local public administration. The authors ask: How local actors understand to these processes, what are main assets and shortcomings of mentioned processes? The book contains both theoretical framework and practical examples in studied area of partnership and participation in municipalities and regions.
The monograph describes the major turning points in the research of educational inequalities, presents basic quantitative data regarding transition to higher education in the Czech Republic, and summarizes the development of educational inequalities in access to secondary and tertiary education. It also provides a new analysis of intergenerational transmission of educational attainment from the parents to their children, using mobility tables and log-linear models.
In the background of the historical development of Czech society in the context of theoretical approaches to the study of feminist sociology of work and family we analyze biographical interviews with women of different age groups in different stages of family cycle and in different situations on the labor market.
The study combined a socio-economic perspective of the Czech family with a gender perspective, and this made it possible to capture some of the internal transformations of the Czech family that took place over the last decade from a new point of view. The analysis concentrated on the predominant type of family households - two-parent families.