The phenomenon of vortex core precession and development of the theory of helical vortices

Prednášející: Dr. Pavel A. Kuibin, Institute of Thermophysics, Siberian Branch of RAS, Lavrentyev Ave., 1, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Datum: 12. října 2009 (pondělí),10.00 -11.00
Místo: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, v. v. i., Dolejškova 5, Praha, zasedací místnost A

Anotace:  The lecture is devoted to development of the Theory of helical vortices. The main items of the theory are as follows:
1. Definition of helical symmetry in fluid flows
2. Definition of helical vortex
3. New structure parameters for description of swirl flows
4. Classification of helical vortices
5. Model of infinitely thin helical vortex filament
6. Model of helical vortex with core of finite size
7. Self-induced motion of helical vortex
8. Motion of helical vortex inside a cylindrical tube
9. Motion of systems of helical vortices
10. Stability of systems of helical vortices
11. Relations between vortex parameters and integral fluxes of vorticity, mass, momentum and moment of momentum
12. Correlations between the phenomenon of vortex breakdown and the fine structure of the vorticity field

The points 1 – 8 will be illuminated in the presentation as well as the point 11. A special attention will be paid to the point 9 and to the phenomenon of vortex core precession closely related to it.

Životopis: Pavel A. Kuibin graduated in mechanics from the Leningrad State University in 1981. He worked as researcher in the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk, then as lecturer in the Institute of Civil Engineering and Architects, Novosibirsk, Russia and in 1990 he joined the Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics, Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk (IT SB RAS). He became Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Science (PhD) in 1993 and Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Science in 2004. His main research domains of interest are hydrodynamics of vortex and swirl flows, numerical methods for vortex flow simulation, hydrodynamic instability of flows, film flows, gas-liquid and cavitating flows. Presently he is Scientific Secretary of the Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS.

Další informace: Prof. A. I. Fedorchenko, DrSc., Prof. Ing. V. Tesař, CSc.

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