Ondřej Kučera, a postdoctoral researcher of our Bioelectrodynamics team, was awarded the Werner von Siemens Award for the best doctoral dissertation in 2013

The Werner von Siemens Awards ceremony was held for the sixteenth time at Prague's Bethlehem Chapel. This traditional competition of the best and brightest young minds is organized in cooperation with the leading Czech universities and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, under the auspices of the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports and the Minister of Industry and Trade. Siemens awarded talented students, young scientists and university teachers.

Ondřej Kučera received the Award for his work entitled "Cellular Nanoelectromechanics" which was developed in the framework of doctoral studies in cooperation of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Prague and the Institute of Photonics and Electronics AS CR, v. v. i.



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