Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Po, 15/09/2014 - 10:00

Prof. Alok Singh (Structural Materials Center, National Institute for Materials Science Tsukuba, Japan)

Twinning is an important mode of deformation in magnesium and its alloys. Twins also play an important role in the fracture of the alloys, by stress concentration of dislocations on the twin boundaries of the common {10-12} type twins, or formation of {10-11}-{10-12} double twins. Dislocations also play important role in nucleation and growth of twins. Nucleation of twins and double twins, mainly {10-12} type, has been subject of a number of studies, experimental as well as computational. In this study, nucleation of {10-11} type twins has also been studied.

Út, 16/09/2014 - 10:00

Thomas Frederiksen (Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain; IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Bilbao, Spain)

Single-molecule devices are ideal test beds for studying a range of quantum transport phenomena, and new insights are obtained through critical comparison between experiments and theoretical models.

Pá, 19/09/2014 - 15:00

Jörn Bonse (BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Unter den Eichen 87, D-12205 Berlin, Germany)

During the past few years significantly increasing research activities in the field of laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS, ripples) have been reported since the generation of LIPSS in a single-step process provides a simple way of surface nanostructuring towards a control of optical, mechanical, or chemical surface properties.

Čt, 09/10/2014 - 10:00 - 11:00

Yasuo Koide (Network and Facilities Services Division; Wide Bandgap Materials Group, Optical and Electronic Materials Unit, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan)

Diamond has an attractive interest as one of next-generation power electronics materials. Since the sheet hole density in the hydrogenated-diamond surface was reported to be as high as 1E14 cm-2 which was one or two orders larger than other semiconductors. Therefore, we should use such the big advantage and then have to develop the high-k gate dielectric for diamond in order to control the high-density hole carrier.

Minulé semináře

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Dr. Otakar Frank Raman spectroscopy of graphene – basic characterization and beyond 08.04.2014 10:00
Pavel Cejnar Chaos v kolektivní dynamice jader 03.04.2014 14:00
Vítězslav Jarý Termálně indukovaná ionizace a zhášecí procesy v nových oxidických a sulfidických materiálech 01.04.2014 13:00
Dr. M. Gary Higher Spin Lifshitz Holography 28.03.2014 15:00
Karel Netočný Geometric and kinetic aspects of nonequilibrium steady states 25.03.2014 15:00
Josef Mysliveček Thin films of ceria for model catalytic experiments 25.03.2014 10:00
Dr. Ryo Yasuhara Transparent magneto-optic TGG ceramics for the high energy and high power laser applications 24.03.2014 11:00
Oleg Lunov Advanced Physical Methods in Cell Biology and Nanomedicine 19.03.2014 15:00
Neda Neykova ZnO nanosloupky pro tenkovrstvé křemíkové sluneční články s vysokou účinností 18.03.2014 13:00
Ing. Jozef Vincenc Oboňa, PhD. Lased-induced Periodic Surface Structures (LIPSSs) Initiation and “growth” 18.03.2014 13:00
Aurélien Manchon / Dominique Givord Spin-Orbit Caloritronics / Electric Field Effects on Magnetism in Metals 14.03.2014 10:00
Maria Valentyuk Microscopic picture of magnetic frustration effects and related phenomena in novel materials 12.03.2014 15:00
Kristin Poduska The role of electrochemistry in semiconductor growth and degradation 06.03.2014 10:00
Karel Carva Calculating ultrafast magnetization dynamics 04.03.2014 15:00
Katharina J. Franke Magnetic properties of single molecules and metal-organic networks on surfaces 04.03.2014 13:00
Jiří Červenka Chemical sensing by graphene field effect transistors 04.03.2014 10:00
Marek Taševský FCC – Future Circular Collider Study - informace z Kick-off workshopu 27.02.2014 14:00
František Máca The influence of adsorbates on the magnetic structure of the Fe/Ir(001) surface 25.02.2014 15:00
Prof. Shuji Sakabe Research activities of Laboratory for Laser-Matter Science, Institute for Chemical Research 21.02.2014 11:50
Prof. Lalit M. Kukreja Laser Surface Modifications and Additive Manufacturing: Recent Developments at RRCAT 21.02.2014 11:00
Dr. Al Erlandson Energetics Modeling and Slit Filters for Diode- Pumped Solid-State Lasers 21.02.2014 09:50
Dr. Hiromitsu Kiriyama Progress towards ultra-high intensity laser 21.02.2014 09:00
Gunther Eggeler On the use of advanced transmission electron microscopy for characterizing elementary transformation and deformation processes in shape memory alloys and high temperature materials 18.02.2014 14:00
Robert Král Studium růstu krystalů metodami směrové krystalizace 11.02.2014 13:00
Lukáš Ondič Silicon nanocrystals, photonic structures and optical gain 06.02.2014 15:00
Jiří Chudoba, Oldřich Kepka Zpracování dat experimentu ATLAS na farmě Goliáš 06.02.2014 14:00
Balazs Ujfalussy Quasiparticle spectrum of superconductor-normal metal heterojunctions 06.02.2014 10:00
Jan Mašek a Jakub Železný Electronic structure of MnTe: Restrospective and news 04.02.2014 15:00

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