
banner-cs.jpg PUBLIC COLLECTION OF IMG AS CR, V. V. I. On August 6th, 2014, the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the AS CR, v. v. i., (IMG) opened a public collection aimed to help 14-year-old Katareeya Epp, who is suffering from a severe form of cancer. Her parents are employed in the IMG (project BIOCEV).

Because Katareeya originates from a “third country”, namely, Australia, according to the Czech legislation she is not entitled to healthcare support from the public healthcare insurance.
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Institute of State and Law: Harmonization of law in the European Union and its impact on the systém of law of the menber states in the context of the information society

Institute of State and Law of the ASCR, v.v.i.
Harmonization of law in the European Union and its impact on the systém of law of the menber states in the context of the information society

The process of harmonization of the Czech law with the EC law. The study of law making system within the EU. Philosofical and theoretical aspects of this process. Legal comparatistics. The topic of the human and civil rights in the context of constitutional law. Principal instruments of the private and public law. The influence of the international law on the topic. Development and exploitation of the legal informatics.