Completed project

Regional disparities in availability and affordability of housing, their socio-economic consequences and tools directed to increase availability and affordability of housing and decrease the regional disparities

Project duration: 
2007 - 2011

The project will reveal, quantify and analyze actual regional disparities (among regions NUTS 3) in availability and affordability of housing in the Czech Republic. The time series describing the development of such disparities will be provided. The project will also analyse the influence of changes in housing conditions, in general, and the changes in regional disparities in housing conditions (availability and affordability of housing), in particular, on their potential selected socio-economic consequences. In this respect the project will use the original new methodology for measurement of availability and affordability of housing that reflects the particular situation in transitional countries.

The goal of the project is also to identify such factors that, on one side, influence the level of availability and affordability of housing and their regional disparities, and, on the second side, may be effectively shaped by public interventions. The goal is to propose such effective and efficient measures (tools) that would:

  • increase availability and affordability of housing;
  • decrease the regional disparities in availability and affordability of housing;
  • decrease negative socio-economic consequences of low availability and affordability of housing and high regional disparities in availability and affordability of housing - especially consequences on demographic behaviour patterns of young generation, flexibility of labour and spatial social segregation of households endangered by unaffordability of housing;
  • increase availability of particular types of housing especially in regions where there is high discrepance between housing supply and housing need (housing demand) of particular types of housing;
  • increase availability of housing through particular effective and efficient tools on housing refurbishment;
  • increase availability of housing through the introduction of new forms of rental housing.
Principal investigator: 
Grant agency: 
Government ministry project

Project publications (total 35, displaying 21 - 30)

Kostelecký, Tomáš, František Kuda, Petr Sunega, Jan Česelský

The chapter introduces new housing policy tools proposed in connection to economic crisis. The first one is the “temporary bridging loan for homeowners repaying mortgage loans”, who were caught in defaults because of the crisis. The effectiveness of the tool, target groups and basic principles of application are discussed. The second tool is the “educational programme for managers of the housing stock”, which should lead to more effective management and renovation of the housing stock.

housing, economics, public policy
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Lux, Martin, Tomáš Kostelecký, Petr Sunega, Jana Vobecká, Jan Sládek

The policy paper offers theoretical framework of the relations between housing and population policy and reviews current housing policies accross european countries. The paper focuses predominanty on the rental housing sector and on young families searching for housing. The authors summarize both state-level and municipality-level policies aimed at this group. Two policies are proposed: novelization of current housing benefit and local houisng guarantee.

housing, family, social policy
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Lux, Martin, Martina Mikeszová

The paper focuses on the analysis of regional differences in the affordability of rent housing in the Czech Republic. The analysis is based on a new measurement methodology, reckoning with the inapplicability of the survey sampling for regional segmentation. The aim was to tell whether the disparities in rental housing affordability among regions, and among various household types, had been decreasing or increasing between 2000 and 2007.

housing, wages and incomes, regions
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Peer-reviewed journal article
Mikeszová, Martina
housing, wages and incomes, regions, social inequalities
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Public event or educational activity
Mikeszová, Martina, Martin Lux, Milan Polednik, Petr Sunega

The chapter describes a proposal for implementation of social and guaranteed housing in the Czech Republic. Target groups of households are defined. Although they are generally eligible for housing allowances, due to discrimination on the Czech housing market they face social and spatial segregation. New system of social and guaranteed housing should help them to acquire long-term, qualitatively adequate and spatially non-excluded rental housing.

housing, family, social policy
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Lux, Martin, Petr Sunega


housing, public policy
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Lux, Martin, Anneli Kährik, Petr Sunega

The return of property expropriated during the communist period to previous owners or to their descendants (property restitution) led to the quick emergence of a private rental sector in many post-communist countries soon after 1990. This article compares the genesis of private rental tenure in the Czech Republic and Estonia.

housing, transformation
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Peer-reviewed journal article
Kostelecký, Tomáš, Vobecká, Jana

The article examines the relationship between housing affordability and fertility in the Czech Republic after 1989. An analysis of national data suggests that improving housing affordability might be a factor behind the rise of fertility that has been observed since the beginning of the 2000s. The regional variation in fertility is generally lower than the regional variation of indicators of both housing affordability and the economic situation.

housing, economics, regions
Local and regional studies
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Mikeszová, Martina, Martin Lux, Jan Sládek

The chapter deals with an analysis of housing unaffordability in the Czech Republic from 2000 to 2009. The objective is (1) to map the types of households potentially at risk of being unable to afford housing based on analysis of incomes and housing prices (2) to map the types of households with subjective feeling of being unable to afford housing (3) to map the types of households at risk of housing unaffordadility following economic crisis (4) to map of social excluded groups.

housing, economics, wages and incomes
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Mikeszová, Martina, Petr Sunega, Tomáš Kostelecký, Martin Lux, Jan Sládek

The policy paper deals with impacts of economic crisis and identifies households endangered by financial inaffordability, mainly due to unemployment reasons. After reviewing various international policies dealing with this problem, the authors propose two policies – the programme for the support of work related migration and a an interest-free loan for homeowners facing the risk of losing their homes.

housing, economics, wages and incomes, standard of living
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:


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