The Prehistory of Bohemia compendium has been released


The Prehistory of Bohemia in 7 volumes has been released.


Mobile version of the Heritage Route Project has been launched


Since August 2014 a mobile version of the Heritage Route – the virtual educational trail of the Cradles of European Culture Project – is available. It is designed for smartphones and tablets. Access is possible on the website or using the QR codes that will be placed at the information points on each heritage site.

new e-publication


Dreslerová, D. (ed.): Počítačová podpora v archeologii / Computer application in archaeology XIII

new e-publication


K. Perrin a kol.: The Standard and Guide to Best Practice in Archaeological Archiving in Europe / Standardy a příručka k dobré praxi péče o archeologické fondy v Evropě. EAC Guidelines 1