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Display colours in menu members    (actual status):   
 Active IM      Archived IM      Active COLLABORATING     Archived COLLABORATING

Display colors in menus departments or grants:    (actual status)    Active departments or grants      Archived departments or grants

Display colours for authors (status at the year of conference):    Active member of IM       Author outside IM   

Results of research:
Mode IM/Dpt:
Lectures belonging to the institute according to the year of conference. To appear refers to the actual year.
Research criterions: 1) year of conference, 1) department of the speaker(s), 3) speaker (member IM or Joining) and 4) all combinations of 1), 2), 3) .
Mode Grants:
Lecture associated to grants, regardless the year of conference. Research criterions:
1) year of conference, 2) grant, 3) member IM or Joining and 4) all combinations of 1), 2), 3).
Mode Members:
Lectures of members IM or collaborating regardeless their status at the year of conference. Research criterions:
1) year of conference, 2) member IM and 3) all combinations of 1), 2).

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