Centrum orální historie Ústavu pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v.v.i.

Počet zobrazených článků

Call for Papers: European Social Science History Conference 2014 (Oral History and Life Stories)

The next European Social Science and History Conference (ESSHC) is taking place in April 23.-26. 2014 at Vienna University, Austria. The aim of the ESSHC is to bring together scholars who explain historical phenomena using the methods of the social sciences. Call for papers for the Oral History and Life Stories Network of the ESSHC find here. We cordially invite proposals for the Vienna ESSHC-conference dealing with the 2014 theme “crises and ruptures in memory and narrative” (individual papers and full sessions). For further details on the Network and how to submit a proposal, please refer our website. The deadline for sending paper and session proposals is May 15, 2013.

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