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Remote Access

Remote access to electronic sources of information is permitted only to registered user of the Academy of Sciences Library who hold a valid reader’s pass (more here). Registration for remote access to electronic sources of information may be performed without visiting the Academy of Sciences Library in person (more here).

The use of these sources is subject to the conditions defined in the pertinent licence agreements.

Conditions for logging on successfully

  • The same user name and password as for the library system are used for logging on.

Principles governing the use of remote access

  • The content of electronic sources of information is designed only for teaching, studying and academic purposes and for the personal needs of users. In no case can it be used for commercial purposes.
  • The downloading or copying of entire editions or titles of electronic journals or other large parts of electronic sources of information is not permitted.
  • The use of this information is subject to the usual practice for the creation of academic work, i.e. every work used should be appropriately cited (see, for example, http://www.citace.com).
  • User names and passwords are non-transferrable.

You can find further information in the Library Regulations.

Do you agree to these conditions?

By logging on, you undertake to observe all the principles given above.