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banner-cs.jpg PUBLIC COLLECTION OF IMG AS CR, V. V. I. On August 6th, 2014, the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the AS CR, v. v. i., (IMG) opened a public collection aimed to help 14-year-old Katareeya Epp, who is suffering from a severe form of cancer. Her parents are employed in the IMG (project BIOCEV).

Because Katareeya originates from a “third country”, namely, Australia, according to the Czech legislation she is not entitled to healthcare support from the public healthcare insurance.
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Jarní exkurze do světa vědy 2014

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Laureátky Stipendia L´Oreal Pro ženy ve vědě za rok 2009: zleva: RNDr. Marie Kalbáčová, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Gabriela Holubová, Ph.D. a Mgr. Jana Humpolíčková, Ph.D.
Laureátky  Stipendia L´Oreal Pro ženy ve vědě za rok 2009: zleva: RNDr. Marie Kalbáčová, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Gabriela Holubová, Ph.D. a Mgr. Jana Humpolíčková, Ph.D.
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