Chapters in monograph
- P. Soudek, T. Vaněk, Z. Wimmer, D. Šaman : Biotransformation of Juvenogene analogues by tissue culture of Barbula unguiculata Hedw., Solanum aviculare Forst. and Rheum palmatum L., Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Natural Product Chemistry, (Atta-ur-Rahman, Choudhary, M. I., Khan, K. M., eds.), Prints Arts, Karachi, 499-505, 2002
- P. Soudek, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk: Accumulation of 137-caesium by different plant species. In: Phytoremediation Inventory. COST Action 837 view, (Vaněk, T., Schwitzguébel, J.P., eds.), Prague, ÚOCHB AV ČR 2003, p. 43.
- P. Soudek, I. Kališová, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of heavy metal from contaminated soil. In: Phytoremediation Inventory. COST Action 837 view, (Vaněk, T., Schwitzguébel, J.P., eds.), Prague, ÚOCHB AV ČR 2003, p. 65.
- P. Soudek, R. Tykva, P. Petřík, M. Vágner, E. Podracká, A. Golan-Goldhirsh, T. Vaněk: Radiophytoremediation of uranium decay range contaminated soil. In: Phytoremediation Inventory. COST Action 837 view, (Vaněk, T., Schwitzguébel, J.P., eds.), Prague, ÚOCHB AV ČR 2003, p. 66.
- T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, M. Vágner, M. Bjelková, M. Griga, R. Tykva: Phytoremediation and land management of radionuclide contaminated soil. In: Phytoremediation Inventory. COST Action 837 view, (Vaněk, T., Schwitzguébel, J.P., eds.), Praha, ÚOCHB AV ČR 2003, p. 75.
- P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, T. Vaněk: Study of radiophytoremediation on heavily polluted area in South Bohemia., in Uranium in the Environment, (Merkel, B.J. and Hasche-Berger, A., eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006, p. 519-524
- P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, T. Vaněk: Transgenic plants and phytoremediation for water and soil cleaning, in Advances in Plant Molecular Biology: New Approaches in Plant Genome Analysis, Prague, Czech Republic, 29 November 2006), p. 43-50
- P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk : From laboratory experiments to large scale application - example of phytoremediation of radionuclides, in Advanced science and technology for biological decontamination of sites affected by chemical and radiological nuclear agents, NATO Science series, Series IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences – Vol. 75, (Marmiroli N., Samotokin, B and Marmiroli M, eds.), Springer Dordrecht, 2007, p. 139-158
- T. Vaněk, A. Gerth, Z. Vavříková, R. Podlipná, P. Soudek: Phytoremediation of explosives, Advanced science and technology for biological decontamination of sites affected by chemical and radiological nuclear agents, NATO Science series, Series IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences – Vol. 75, (Marmiroli N., Samotokin, B and Marmiroli M, eds.), Springer Dordrecht, 2007, p. 209-225
- T. Vaněk, R. Podlipná, P. Soudek: General factors influencing application of phytotechnology techniques, in Application of phytotechnologies for cleanup of industrial, agricultural and wastewater contamination, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, (Kulakow P.A. and Pidlisnyuk V.V., eds.), Springer Dordrecht, 2010, pp. 1-13 .
- T. Vaněk, R. Podlipná, Z. Fialová, Š. Petrová, P. Soudek: Uptake of xenobiotics from polluted waters by plants, Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle, Mass Flows, Environmental Processes, Mitigation and Treatment Strategies, Environmental Pollution 16, (Fatta-Kassinos D, Bester K and Kümmerer K, eds.), Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2010, pp. 431-444