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flacoMgr. Ladislav Kážmér

Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences

Jilská 1

110 00  Praha 1

Czech Republic

Phone: +420 210 310 214

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Research topics

  • Social Geography
  • Demography
  • Geography of Health and Health Care
  • Statistical and Spatial Data Analysis


  • 2011 till now, Ph.D. study, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague.
  • 2011 - MA in Geography, Regional Development and European Integration, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia.
  • 2009 - Bachelor in  Geography, Regional Development and European Integration, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia.


Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Working papers

  • Kážmér, L. 2014. The spatial mortality distribution of urban population in the Czech Republic, 2001-2011. European Population Conference, 25.-28.6.2014.
  • Kážmér, L. 2014. Self-perceived Health Status and its Socio-spatial Differentiation - Case Study of the Senior Population of Brno. New Wave 6 – International Students and Early Careers´ Conference, Prague, 16.-17.5.2014.
  • Gregorova , E. , L. Kazmer 2013. Inovativní formy bydlení pro seniory v Brně-výsledky kvantitativního sociologického šetření. [Innovative housing solutions for seniors in Brno - results of the quantitative sociological survey] . 4th Brno Conference of Urban Studies, Brno, 7.-11.9.2013.
  • Kazmer , L. , D. Dzurova 2013. How much does the family and social environment indicates the youth health risk behavior in the Czech Republic? National Demographic Conference, Prague, 22.3.2013.
  • Dzurova, D. , J. Spilkova, L. Kázmér, L. Csemy 2013. Relation between the substance misuse and its risk perception. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, 9.- 13.4.2013.
  • Dzurova D. , L. Csémy, L. Kazmer 2013. Substance Use, Social Networks and the Geography of Urban Adolescents. 2012 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, 24.-28.2.2013.
  • Kazmer , L. Youth health risk behavior in urban space in the Czech Republic. European Urban Health Conference, Amsterdam, 12.- 14.9.2012.
  • Dzurová, D., L. Csémy, L. Kázmér 2012. Současná diferenciace zdravotně rizikového chování mládeže (ČR vs. EU) [The health risk behavior differentation among the current youth (CZE vs. EU)]. National Demographic Conference, Prague, 25.05.2012.
  • Kazmer, L. 2012. Priestorové nerovnosti v štruktúre úmrtnosti podľa príčin v členských krajinách EÚ. [Spatial inequalities in the mortality structure by cause of death in the EU membership countries]. National Demographic Conference, Prague, 25.05.2012.

Applied research


Project leader

Project participant

Research Center Reference


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