Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

FZÚ v médiích

Magazín České noviny, 23.9.2014.

Silnější lasery nové generace...

Česká televize Déčko, pořad "Lovci záhad", 23.9.2014.


NOVINKY.CZ, 22.9.2014.

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Český rozhlas Studio Leonardo, 12.9.2014.

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Particle Physics in Transition

Seminář Středa, 11.01.2012 15:00 - 16:00

Přednášející: Prof. Max Klein (University of Liverpool)
Místo: Přednáškový sál Fyzikálního ústavu, Pod vodárenskou věží 1, Praha 8
Jazyk: anglicky
Pořadatelé: FZÚ AV ČR

The seminar presents an overview on the physics of elementary particles, a field which by now is a hundred years old. An introduction is given to the Standard Model of particle physics, a quantum field theory on the interactions of quarks and leptons, and to key areas of research which for decades have contributed discoveries and insight, such as neutrino physics, quark-gluon interactions and quark mixing. With the advent of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, a series of new results has been obtained, as on the search for the Higgs boson or for super-symmetry in nature, which will be summarised. The final part of the seminar is devoted to an overview of major accelerator projects for future colliders designed to further explore the energy frontier of particle physics.

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