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Za Jiřím Pistoriem  JIŘÍ PELÁN 15. března 2014 zemřel několik dní před svými dvaadevadesátými narozeninami ve Spojených státech ve...
První Cenová bilance. Diskuzní seminář nad literárními díly oceněnými v roce 2013  LUDMILA BARTOŠOVÁ První ročník olomouckého setkání nad knihami odměněnými literárními cenami za rok 2013,...
Antologie Skupiny Ra JIŘÍ POLÁČEK Literatura z meziválečného období a doby nacistické okupace je v posledních letech předmětem značného...

Bibliographical databases

Retrospective Bibliography (to 1945) – RET Database

The electronic version of the Retrospective Bibliography 1770-1945 (RET Database) comprises a transcription of most excerpts from its subject section (approx 95,000 entries from a total estimated at approx 2 million index cards). The conversion of the Retrospective Bibliography card-index catalogue by manual transcription is no longer continuing and access in scanned form is under preparation. The state of the excerption procedure can be checked in the database of excerpted journals here.

Bibliography of Czech Literary Studies (since 1961)

The Bibliography of Czech Literary Studies Bibliographical Database is fully accessible in electronic format and so far contains annotated records from 1961 to the present. The state of the excerption procedure can be checked in the database of excerpted journals here.

Czech Literature in Exile (1948-1989) – CLE Database

This database contains records of approx. 1,400 books published at Czech émigré publishers from 1948 to 1989 and records of articles on literary subjects in Czech émigré journals from this period. Emigré journals which came out after 1989 are excerpted in the Bibliography of Czech Literary Studies Database. The CLE Database content coincides with that of František Knopp's Czech Literature in Exile 1948-1989 (Prague, Makropulos 1996).