Petr Hellinger

Position: Senior Research Scientist
Phone: +420 226 258 473
Room: 205 (AsU)

Selected publications:

  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel, 2014: Proton temperature-anisotropy-driven instabilities in weakly collisional plasmas: Hybrid simulations, Journal of Plasma Physics, in press
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Decyk, V. ; Schriver, D. , 2014: Oblique electron fire hose instability: Particle-in-cell simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119, 1, pp. 59-68
  • Henri, P. ; Cerri, E. ; Califano, F. ; Pegoraro, F. ; Rossi, C. ; Faganello, M. ; Šebek, Ondřej ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Frederiksen, J. T. ; Nordlund, A. ; Markidis, S. ; Keppens, R. ; Lapenta, G., 2013: Nonlinear evolution of the magnetized Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: From fluid to kinetic modeling, Physics of Plasmas, 20, pp. 102118/1-102118/13
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Štverák, Štěpán ; Matteini, L. ; Velli, M., 2013: Proton thermal energetics in the solar wind: Helios reloaded, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 4, pp. 1351-1365
  • Herčík, David ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Johnson, J. R. ; Kim, E. -H. ; Hellinger, Petr, 2013: Mirror mode structures in the asymmetric Hermean magnetosheath: Hybrid simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 1, pp. 405-417
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2013: Protons and alpha particles in the expanding solar wind: Hybrid simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 9, pp. 5421-5430
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Passot, T. ; Sulem, P. L. ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2013: Quasi-linear heating and acceleration in bi-Maxwellian plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 20, 12, pp. -
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2012: On the quasi-linear diffusion in collisionless plasmas (to say nothing about Landau damping), Physics of Plasmas, 19, 6, pp. 062307/1-062307/5
  • Matteini, L. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Landi, S. ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Velli, M., 2012: Ion Kinetics in the Solar Wind: Coupling Global Expansion to Local Microphysics, Space Science Reviews, 172, 1-4, pp. 373-396
  • Génot, V. ; Broussillou, L. ; Budnik, E. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel ; Lucek, E. ; Dandouras, I., 2011: Timing mirror structures observed by Cluster with a magnetosheath flow model, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 10, pp. 1849-1860
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2011: Proton core-beam system in the expanding solar wind: Hybrid simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, A11, pp. A11101/1-A11101/11
  • Schriver, D. ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Anderson, B.J. ; Ashour-Abdalla, M. ; Baker, D. N. ; Benna, M. ; Boardsen, S.A. ; Gold, R.E. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Ho, G.C. ; Korth, H. ; Krimigis, S.M. ; McNutt, Jr., R.L. ; Raines, J.M. ; Richard, R. L. ; Slavin, J.A. ; Solomon, S.C. ; Starr, R.D. ; Zurbuchen, T.H., 2011: Quasi-trapped ion and electron populations at Mercury, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, -, pp. L23103/1-L23103/6
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Matteini, L. ; Štverák, Štěpán ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Marsch, E., 2011: Heating and cooling of protons in the fast solar wind between 0.3 and 1 AU: Helios revisited, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, -, pp. A09105/1-A09105/9
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2010: Langevin Representation of Coulomb Collisions for bi-Maxwellian Plasmas, Journal of Computational Physics, 229, 14, pp. 5432-5439
  • Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Schriver, D. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Herčík, David ; Anderson, B.J. ; Sarantos, M. ; Slavin, J.A., 2010: Mercury"s magnetosphere-solar wind interaction for northward and southward interplanetary magnetic field: Hybrid simulation results, Icarus, 209, 1, pp. 11-22
  • Borgogno, D. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Passot, T. ; Sulem, P. L. ; Trávníček, Pavel M. , 2009: Alfvén wave filamentation and dispersive phase mixing in a high-density channel: Landau fluid and hybrid simulations, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 16, 2, pp. 275-285
  • Génot, V. ; Budnik, E. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Passot, T. ; Belmont, G. ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Sulem, P. L. ; Lucek, E. ; Dandouras, I., 2009: Mirror structures above and below the linear instability threshold: Cluster observations, fluid model and hybrid simulations, Annales Geophysicae, 27, 2, pp. 601-615
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Kuznetsov, E. A. ; Passot, T. ; Sulem, P. L. ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2009: Mirror instability: From quasi-linear diffusion to coherent structures, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L06103, pp. L06103/1-L06103/5
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2009: On Coulomb collisions in bi-Maxwellian plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 16, 5, pp. 054501/1-054501/4
  • Lembège, B. ; Savoini, P. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2009: Nonstationarity of a two-dimensional perpendicular shock: Competing mechanisms, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A03217, pp. A03217/1-A03217/21
  • Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Schriver, D. ; Herčík, David ; Slavin, J.A. ; Anderson, B.J., 2009: Kinetic instabilities in Mercury"s magnetosphere: Three-dimensional simulation results, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, pp. L07104/1-L07104/5
  • Califano, F. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Kuznetsov, E. ; Passot, T. ; Sulem, P. L. ; Trávníček, Pavel, 2008: Nonlinear mirror mode dynamics: Simulations and modeling, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, pp. A08219/1-A08219/20
  • Hellinger, Petr, 2008: Comment on the drift mirror instability, Physics of Plasmas, 15, 5, pp. 054502/1-054502/2
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2008: Oblique proton fire hose instability in the expanding solar wind: Hybrid simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, A10, pp. A10109/1-A10109/9
  • Hellinger, Petr, 2007: Comment on the linear mirror instability near the threshold, Physics of Plasmas, 14, 8, pp. 082105/1-082105/4
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel ; Lembège, B. ; Savoini, P., 2007: Emission of nonlinear whistler waves at the front of perpendicular supercritical shocks: Hybrid versus full particle simulations, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, 14, pp. L14109/1-L14109/5
  • Matteini, L. ; Landi, S. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Pantellini, F. ; Maksimovic, M. ; Velli, M. ; Goldstein, B. E. ; Marsch, E., 2007: Evolution of the solar wind proton temperature anisotropy from 0.3 to 2.5 AU, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, 20, pp. L20105/1-L20105/5
  • Trávníček, Pavel ; Hellinger, Petr ; Taylor, M. G. G. T. ; Escoubet, C. P. ; Dandouras, I. ; Lucek, E., 2007: Magnetosheath plasma expansion: Hybrid simulations, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, 15, pp. L15104/1-L15104/5
  • Trávníček, Pavel ; Hellinger, Petr ; Schriver, D., 2007: Structure of Mercury"s magnetosphere for different pressure of the solar wind: Three dimensional hybrid simulations, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, 5, pp. L05104/1-L05104/5
  • Valentini, F. ; Trávníček, Pavel ; Califano, F. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Mangeney, A., 2007: A hybrid-Vlasov model based on the current advance method for the simulation of collisionless magnetized plasma, Journal of Computational Physics, 225, 1, pp. 753-770
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel, 2006: Parallel and oblique proton fire hose instabilities in the presence of alpha/proton drift: Hybrid simulations, Geophysical Research Letters, 111, A1, pp. A01107/1-A01107/7
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel ; Kasper, J. C. ; Lazarus, A. J., 2006: Solar wind proton temperature anisotropy: Linear theory and WIND/SWE observations, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, 9, pp. L09101/1-L09101/4
  • Landi, S. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Velli, M., 2006: Heliospheric magnetic field polarity inversions driven by radial velocity field structures, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, 14, pp. L14101/1-L14101/5
  • Matteini, L. ; Landi, S. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Velli, M., 2006: Parallel proton fire hose instability in the expanding solar wind: Hybrid simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, -, pp. A10101/1-A10101/8
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Velli, M. ; Trávníček, Pavel ; Gary, S. P. ; Goldstein, B. E. ; Liewer, P. C., 2005: Alfvén wave heating of heavy ions in the expanding solar wind: Hybrid simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, -, pp. A12109/1-A12109/11
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel, 2005: Magnetosheath compression: Role of characteristic compression time, alpha particle abundance, and alpha/proton relative velocity, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, -, pp. A04210,1-A04210,11
  • Sotnikov, V. I. ; LeBoeuf, J. N. ; Deeney, C. ; Coverdale, C. A. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel ; Fiala, Vladimír, 2005: Hybrid simulation of the Z-pinch instabilities for profiles generated during wire array implosion in the Saturn pulsed power generator, Physics of Plasmas, 12, 9, pp. -
  • Trávníček, Pavel ; Hellinger, Petr ; Schriver, D. ; Bale, S. D., 2005: Structure of the lunar wake: Two-dimensional global hybrid simulations, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, -, pp. L06102/1-L06102/4


  • AV ČR. IAA300420702, Kinetic processes in the solar wind, 2007-2011. Investigator: Hellinger, P. Details